PortfolioConstruction Forum Program Terms & Conditions NZ

Last updated May 2016


Your registration at the PortfolioConstruction Forum Program is subject to the following terms and conditions:

1. General

You agree to register using the registration option appropriate to your professional role. Should you select a registration option that brillient! Investment Publishing Pty Ltd and associated entities ("the Publisher") deems to be the wrong registration option for your professional role, the Publisher reserves the right to at its sole discretion cancel your registration at any time and refund your registration monies (if applicable).

Existing PortfolioConstruction Forum members must only register using the registration options on the relevant Program page on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and are expressly excluded from any complimentary registration offers we have arranged with media publications.

Should you not already be a member of PortfolioConstruction Forum when you register for the Program, by registering for the Program you agree that (a) the Publisher will register you as a member of PortfolioConstruction.com.au; and, (b) you will be bound by its terms and conditions of use.

Your registration for the Program cannot be shared.  Upon entry to the Program, you will be issued with a nametag that you must keep on and visible on your clothing for the duration of the Program. Anyone entering the Program without a valid nametag will be deemed to have trespassed and will be ejected from the Program unless the Publisher agrees that the person may register for the program at that point including paying the appropriate full registration fee immediately by credit card.

2. Content & Form

The Publisher reserves the right to change the form and content of the Program at any time without notice and no refunds or compensation will be given.

3. Your behaviour

You agree to read all the materials sent to you by the Publisher prior to the Program.

During the course of the Program, the Publisher's staff may give you instructions aimed at ensuring the enjoyment and safety of all delegates and you agree to follow these instructions at all times. You agree to conduct yourself in a fit and proper manner at all times, including but not limited to showing respect and courtesy to all delegates, the faculty of speakers and the Publisher's staff and to adhering to the laws of New South Wales.

You are expressly prohibited from audio or video recording any aspect of the Program.

You may not distribute promotional materials at the Program except with the specific prior authority in writing of the Publisher, and you may not organise or participate in any meeting of Program delegates during the Program that is not listed on the Program timetable.

The Publisher reserves the right to at its sole discretion prohibit entry by you to the Program or eject you from the Program based on behaviour deemed inappropriate by the Organiser without refund of your registration monies or reimbursement of any costs resulting to you.

4. Cancellations

Should you register for the Program and subsequently be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no extra charge however in the view of the Publisher that substitute must be appropriate to the registration option you chose when registering.

Alternatively, a full refund less a $100.00 (ex-GST) service charge will be made for cancellations received in writing up to 21 calendar days prior to the Program. 

Regrettably, no refunds can be made after this date.

5. CE policy

Except in exceptional circumstances as determined by the Publisher at its sole discretion, CE will only be allocated to you if you attend the program in full (i.e. every session from beginning to end), as recorded either by the Publisher's staff during the Program and/or by your use of the electronic voting to answer the many Gizmo app questions throughout the program. This is because all PortfolioConstruction Forum programs are end-to-end integrated learning programs, not an eclectic mix of unrelated sessions and all sessions address a theme, and each is a building block which helps delegates take away a clear, actionable plan for building investor portfolios.

6. Image, video and audio recording and publishing policy

The Program will be photographed, video and/or audio recorded ("Recordings"). By registering and attending the Program, you grant the Publisher, its agents and others working under its authority to take, and to have a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty free, irrevocable, worldwide licence to do the following in respect of the Recordings: (a) use, reproduce, publish, adapt, edit, publicly perform, broadcast, transmit or communicate to the public; and, (b) sublicense the rights granted in paragraph (a) above to any third party and you agree that you will not be entitled to any remuneration (whether monetary or otherwise) in respect of exploitation of the Recordings by the Publisher (or any licensee). You give the Publisher (and its licensees) a general consent to do all the aforementioned acts in relation to the Recordings without infringing your moral rights or any equivalent rights wherever in the world subsisting. You release, discharge, and hold harmless, the Publisher and its agents from any and all claims, demands or causes of actions that they may hereafter have by reason of anything contained in the Recordings.

7. Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification

You, your heirs, personal representatives or assigns hereby release, waive, and discharge the Publisher from liability from any and all claims including the negligence of the Publisher resulting in personal injury, accidents or illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation in the Program. You agree to indemnify and hold the Publisher harmless from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney’s fees brought as a result of your involvement in the Program and to reimburse the Publisher for any such expenses incurred. You further expressly agree that this Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of Australia and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. You agree you fully understand this term, and understand that you are freely and voluntarily giving up substantial rights, including your right to sue, and intend your registration and participation in the Program to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

8. Privacy policy

The information we collect about you as you register for the Program and attend the Program will be held by the Publisher and the Publisher reserves the right to disclose such information to the Program Partners unless you notify us in writing that you do not wish us to do so.