CIMA Society Asia Pacific

CIMA Society Asia Pacific is the community of practice for investment and wealth professionals in the Asia Pacific. We advance knowledge and collaboration among those involved in any aspect of constructing and/or giving advice on multi-asset, multi-manager investment portfolios.

CIMA Society encourages, recognises and supports a range of investment credentials and designations amongst our members, including Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) as the peak, international technical portfolio construction certification credential for investment management analysts.

We welcome new members - join today!

- About CIMA Society Asia Pacific
- Membership - Membership Categories;  Membership Benefits
- Join today! - CIMA Certificant membership;  Associate membership;  Affiliate membership
- Code of Ethics
- Board of Directors & Secretariat
- About CIMA Certification
- Contact Us - phone +61 2 8999 2387;  or email

About CIMA Society Asia Pacific

CIMA Society Asia Pacific is the community of practice for investment and wealth professionals in the Asia Pacific. We advance knowledge and collaboration among those involved in any aspect of constructing and/or giving advice on multi-asset, multi-manager investment portfolios.

CIMA Society Asia Pacific encourages, recognises and supports a range of investment credentials and designations amongst our members, including Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) as the peak, international technical portfolio construction certification credential for investment management analysts.

CIMA Society Asia Pacific is the only international affiliate of the Investments and Wealth Institute (IWI), the Denver, USA-based international professional association, advanced education provider, and certification board for private wealth advisers, investment consultants, and wealth managers. An association of 18,000 investment and wealth professionals located in 40 countries, IWI is the owner of the CIMA mark.

As IWI’s Asia Pacific international affiliate, CIMA Society provides an accredited CIMA certification education program pathway via its education partner, Portfolio Construction Forum, the specialist, independent provider of investment continuing education, accreditation and certification services in the Asia Pacific.

  • The Forum’s academic research unit, the Investment Management Research Program is the Registered Education Provider with IWI for Asia Pacific to teach the Investment Management Analyst Certificate (IMAC) course, one of only three CIMA education programs globally and the only one tailored for candidates in the Asia Pacific region.
  • The IMAC course is also the education requirement for the Investment Management AnalystTM (IMATM) designation for CIMA Society Associate Member status.
  • Uniquely, IMAC graduates integrate seamlessly into becoming CIMA Society members.

In addition, the Forum manages and delivers accredited CIMA continuing education services for CIMA Society members, offering exclusive concessions on a range of live learning activities, short courses, subscriptions, as well as complimentary access to the on-demand Forum CIMA CE Library.

Finally, the Forum is responsible to the CIMA Society Board of Directors for the management of the Society’s Secretariat.

CIMA Society Asia Pacific Membership

As a member of CIMA Society Asia Pacific, you are part of the growing community of practice for investment and wealth professionals in the Asia Pacific committed to advancing knowledge and collaboration with your peers involved in any aspect of constructing and/or giving advice on multi-asset, multi-manager investment portfolios.

Membership Categories

CIMA Society has three membership categories to suit individual members’ differing credentials, specialties and preferences - CIMA Certificant Member, Associate Member and Affiliate Member. There are two additional recognitions - Life Member (elected by the Board for outstanding contribution to CIMA Society over an extended period) and Founding Member, held by Professor Ron Bird, who is also a Life Member.


A CIMA Certificant Member is a person who is a Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) certificant in good standing with the Investments & Wealth Institute and CIMA Society, who has paid the set Member fee for this Category and who has committed to uphold the Investments & Wealth Institute’s Code of Professional Responsibility and the CIMA Society Code of Ethics. IWI provides CIMA certificants with a digital badge to recognise their CIMA certification.

CIMA Certificant Members will be recognised as and may identify themselves as:

  • “Senior Fellow - CIMA Society Asia Pacific” (requiring 10+ years as a CIMA Certificant), use the post nominal “SFCS”, and/or display their CIMA Society Asia Pacific Senior Fellow digital badge; or,
  • “Fellow - CIMA Society Asia Pacific” (less than 10 years tenure as a CIMA Certificant), use the post nominal “FCS”, and/or display their CIMA Society Asia Pacific Fellow digital badge.

CIMA Certificant Members must complete and report to IWI (assisted by the Forum as a CIMA Society Member benefit) a minimum of 40 hours of approved CIMA continuing education (CE), including two ethics hours and one tax/regulation hour over their two-year certification renewal period.


An Associate Member is a person in good standing with CIMA Society who holds a closely related, applicable investments and wealth credential accredited by CIMA Society, who has paid the set Member fee for this Category and who has committed to uphold the CIMA Society Code of Ethics.

Associate Members may identify themselves as “Associate - CIMA Society Asia Pacific”, use the post nominal “ACS” and/or display their CIMA Society Asia Pacific Associate Member digital badge.

Associate Members must complete 10 CE hours each year from the Forum CIMA CE Library (no fee) and/or by attending live Portfolio Construction Forum programs (registration fees may apply).

Credentials approved for Associate Member Status at 1 July 2024:

  • Those who achieve a pass mark (50% or greater) in the Investment Management Analyst Certificate (IMAC) course but who are not CIMA certificants are eligible to take up the Investment Management AnalystTM (IMATM) designation as a CIMA Society Associate Member, and will then be provided with a digital badge by the Forum to recognise their IMA designation.

If you hold a designation that you wish to be considered for accreditation for Associate Member status, please contact the Secretariat.


An Affiliate Member is a person in good standing with CIMA Society who has paid the set Member fee for this Category and committed to uphold the CIMA Society Code of Ethics.

Affiliate Members may identify themselves as “Affiliate - CIMA Society Asia Pacific”, use the post nominal “AffCS” and/or display their CIMA Society Asia Pacific Affiliate Member digital badge.

Membership Benefits


  • CIMA Society Member digital badge and post nominal - in addition to any designations, you can display your CIMA Society Member digital badge, and Member category and/or post nominal in your personal profile (e.g. LinkedIn), email signature, etc:
  • CIMA Certificant Member (10+ years as a CIMA Certificant):  Senior Fellow - CIMA Society Asia Pacific (or SFCS)
  • CIMA Certificant Member (less than 10 years as a CIMA Certificant):  Fellow - CIMA Society Asia Pacific (or FCS)
  • Associate Member:  Associate - CIMA Society Asia Pacific (or ACS)
  • Affiliate Member:  Affiliate - CIMA Society Asia Pacific (or AffCS)
  • CIMA Circular e-newsletter - updating members on issues relevant to the CIMA Society community;
  • CIMA Connect Webinars - complimentary registration for the twice-yearly CIMA Connect webinar; and,
  • CIMA Connect Dinner - discounted registration for the annual CIMA Connect Dinner (Sydney).


  • CIMA Society Member discount for Forum programs and courses - a 33% discount on the then applicable registration fee for your day-to-day professional role to:
  • attend Portfolio Construction Forum Markets Summit in February and Portfolio Construction Forum Strategies Summit in August, either in the live studio (Sydney), at an official Forum live site (Australia/NZ) or via live stream at your desk;
  • attend the annual one-day Research Symposium in-person (Sydney) in November; and,
  • enrol for selected Forum short courses.


  • CIMA Society pre-pays your biennial CIMA certification renewal fee to IWI on your behalf

CIMA Society has negotiated with IWI to secure an exclusive concession on the usual biennial (i.e. two yearly) CIMA Certification Renewal Fee. CIMA Society pre-pays your concessionary certification renewal fee to IWI on your behalf, by setting aside some of your CIMA Society membership fee each year. As long as you maintain your CIMA Society membership each year, you don’t need to pay the certification renewal fee to IWI, or any membership fee to IWI.

CIMA certificants who are not members of CIMA Society must pay a non-concessionary biennial certification renewal fee direct to IWI (currently US$895).

  • CIMA Society membership gives you access to multiple sources of quality “approved” CE that is stored in your Forum MyCE and reported automatically to IWI on your behalf – and CIMA Society pays any applicable reporting fee on your behalf

Your CIMA Society membership enables you to access “approved” CIMA CE hours in any/all of the following four ways and, because the hours are already “approved”, they are not subject to audit by IWI:

  • via the Forum CIMA CE Library at no cost – you can earn more than enough “Approved” CE hours to fulfill the required 40+ CE hours if you wish, so your CIMA membership fee can be the only fee you pay to retain your CIMA certification;
  • by attending Portfolio Construction Forum Markets Summit in February and/or Strategies Summit in August (either in the live studio (Sydney), at an official Forum live site (Australia/NZ) or via live stream at your desk) and/or the annual one-day Research Symposium in-person (Sydney) in November - note, the then applicable registration fee for your day-to-day professional role will apply, less the CIMA Society Member 33% discount;
  • by attending other firms’ events, where the firm has organised for CE accreditation by the Forum; and,
  • by self reporting any qualifying (Australian-based, open invitation) learning activities to the Forum via your MyCE Submissions app for accreditation of approved CIMA CE hours.

The Forum automatically reports the relevant CIMA CE hours to IWI on your behalf, so they are uploaded to your IWI dashboard.

Plus, approved CIMA CE hours you earn via the CIMA CE Library, by attending Forum programs, and/or by attending events hosted by firms that organise accreditation by the Forum, are automatically added to your Forum MyCE learning record so you can view, print and export your record any time - and they also help you meet your continuing education requirements for other credentials and governing bodies including ASIC, APRA, Legislated (AU)/FAAA and FMA, to name just a few.

CIMA certificants who are not members of CIMA Society cannot access these sources of “approved” CIMA CE hours and must report CE hours to IWI directly for a fee (currently US$5 per CE hour, so US$200 to report the required 40 CE hours) and the hours are subject to audit by IWI.

  • CIMA Society will email you a personalised CIMA CE Update each month showing your CE progress towards recertification and providing ways to help you hit the two-yearly 40-hour approved CIMA CE hour target.

CIMA certificants who are not members of CIMA Society do not receive this vital CIMA CE reminder each month and must log into their IWI dashboard to view their CE progress towards recertification.

  • CIMA Society membership gives you global digital Basic membership of IWI, an association of 18,000 investment and wealth professionals located in 40 countries who, like you, strive to provide the highest quality of investment and wealth management service to clients. CIMA Society membership connects you with this global CIMA certificant community by giving you access to IWI publications, newsletters, blogs, and podcasts including the bi-monthly digital Investments and Wealth Monitor.