4 results found

Global REITs have been overwhelmed by the rapid rise in interest rates, headlines about the demise of the office, and concerns over bank lending to commercial real estate. However, history is not repeating. The industry is in strong shape.

Andrew Parsons | 0.50 CE

Although the consequential volatility casts a VUCA cloud over global REIT performance, the silver lining is that this is transitory, in part reflecting a number of the sector's key attributes.

Andrew Parsons | 0.50 CE

The future ain't what it used to be – that's just noise. Listed Global REITs provide investors with a competitive return profile and diversification from equities, a compelling reason for allocations in portfolios.

Andrew Parsons | 0.50 CE

The outlook for the REITs vs cash, risks and opportunities, and portfolio construction implications...