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We humans by nature deal with much of our lives and memories in stories and story-like forms, to be dipped into for comfort and provide explanations. To excel academically and professionally, we need to think taxonomically, organising information in a structured hierarchy. But while these taxonomic processes help us early in our careers, they can also limit our perspective, making our thinking predictable and replicable by AI. To gain deeper insights, critical to long-term investing, we must adapt by integrating finance with other disciplines such as economics, accounting, finance, sociology, anthropology, psychology, sustainability, political science and philosophy. Adopting a holistic perspective can greatly improve problem-solving, bringing valuable benefits to our clients’ portfolios.

The young are better able to navigate VUCA owing to their natural growth and learning mindset. In an environment where investors can do anything, just not everything, we can all benefit from adopting a youth mindset.

After a lost decade, cyclical and structural headwinds are abating for emerging market equities, while profound secular changes are becoming tailwinds. But the path ahead will look very different to the past.

Portfolio construction requires precarious navigation in an ever-changing world. Only when we adapt our skillsets and reframe our perspectives can we understand why things are happening and capture upcoming opportunities.

Refocusing sustainable investing efforts onto client values and beliefs starts a chain reaction that delivers sustainable outcomes for clients and long-lasting relationships.

Portfolio managers and investment advisers still too often follow their own values, rather than their clients’, when making investment decisions. In the 2020s, values will move from the periphery to the focal point for successful investments.

Only by making the effort to understand and align investment beliefs with values can we get a sharper understanding of our clients' true objectives and provide solutions that will really meet their needs.

Emerging markets are full of undiscovered opportunities and hope. Assuming failure may seem a counter-intuitive way to invest, but it is an effective way to avoid behavioural biases.

Investors need to entirely rethink their processes, assumptions and research approach, to focus on the cultures of consumers in different markets. Only by thinking like new brands themselves, can investors identify and invest in the next powerful emerging trend.