828 results found

To improve the accuracy of intended portfolio risk, investors should consider using a style neutral global equities fund to offset the likelihood they’re already invested in heavily style-biased portfolios.

Ian Paczek | 0.25 CE

Infrastructure as an asset class has helped investors meet future needs through four very different recessionary periods, reinforcing the need for allocations to the asset class.

Nick Langley | 0.50 CE

To future-proof portfolios, investors looking to maximise returns should regard risk simply as the risk of losing money and in turn, best manage this risk by taking a long-term time horizon.

David Gait | 0.50 CE

To future proof portfolios, you need human skill and judgment to distinguish between the purely random and real investment insights. This is the power of combining machines and humans.

Nick Thomas-Peter | 0.50 CE

An aging population, maturing superannuation system and government policy are dramatically increasing the need for effective solutions for the retiree population.

Due to biases in investing, Sharpe ratios of investor portfolios are often not as high as investors expect. How low can a random walk of a Sharpe ratio wander through the natural realisation of risk?

Philip Seager | 0.50 CE

We are all forced to invest to get a return, but as an industry we have overcomplicated this and at times not delivered. Work from first principles - let simple, a priori return potential be your guide.

Andrew Clifford | 0.50 CE

Research shows that owner-manager businesses reward their long-term (non-family) investors because they instill a stability, a culture, and a focus that is geared towards the long term.

AI-based investment solutions will change the landscape much faster than expected - and the importance of making good human decisions will be amplified.

William Low | 0.50 CE

Given the key defensive attributes of Australian private debt, at this late cycle phase of the market, it should be included in all portfolios that are able to invest in illliquid assets.

Bob Sahota | 0.25 CE

It is vital to think about both the risk and opportunities that sustainable investing provides and define a framework that matches your investment beliefs.

Jane Wadia | 0.50 CE

The future is, by definition, uncertain, as are financial markets. To prosper in such an environment, we need to be emotionally agile in order to align our values and actions and, in turn, help investors achieve their financial goals.

Susan David | 0.75 CE

A fundamentally driven and benchmark unaware exposure to smaller companies within the emerging markets sector, this fund represents a unique way for investors to access emerging markets.

Two recent academic papers focus on how advice provided to investors might be distorted. The first relates to the disposition effect; the second looks at the impact compensation on advice given.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Eugene Fama described momentum investing as the one remaining market anomaly. A recent paper gives an explanation for it. Another shows it still offers high profits after implementation costs.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

It is generally accepted that stock markets provide long-term outperformance over cash. However, a recent academic research paper reveals this is not the case for the majority of stocks since 1926.

Nick Griffin | 1.00 CE

Investors are increasingly questioning the continued relevance of bonds in their portfolios. But bonds offer enhanced diversification qualities during times of low growth, low inflation and market uncertainty.

Dean Stewart | 0.75 CE

Nearly all recent initiatives of the Trump administration will prove to be macroeconomic blunders. The time has come to upgrade the credit quality of investment portfolios and to focus on the currencies of creditor countries.

Robert Gay | 0.50 CE

Recent research examines the performance of active bond managers, and the impact of performance fees on returns of active equity funds and private equity funds.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

In nine pages, this paper says all that needs to be said on the ability of any of us to estimate the true value of financial assets. The next two papers produce conflicting findings on the impact of index investing on markets.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE