3264 results found

Challenging a strong home bias to Australian equities in portfolios.

Are alternative investments as complex as them seem - and how can the optimal mix be implemented in portfolios?

Globalisation, the rise of China and technology have profoundly increased competitive pressures on business. This dynamic is critical in equity investment...

By focusing on investors’ primary objectives (capital preservation and a reasonable return), a more efficient investment approach is possible...

Fixed income investing for the future will need to be different from the past in order to maximise portfolio outcomes...

The short- and long-term structural factors remain intact to drive Asian stock markets...

Every investment management firm claims it is different from its competitors. Yet many firms produce results that are anything but different. What does it mean to be contrarian?

Treating emerging markets as a single asset class can underpin long-term capital growth, preservation of capital and lower volatility of returns...

Unlisted property is well-suited to the mood of investors – it should provide a return derived largely from income. The issue is the scars of the past...

Different (and difficult) times call for different approaches to portfolio construction - in this thought piece, Steven Halmarick shares his views on tHiNkInG oUtSiDe ThE bOx about building portfolios...

Different (and difficult) times call for different approaches to portfolio construction - in this thought piece, PIMCO's Bill Gross shares his views on tHiNkInG oUtSiDe ThE bOx about building portfolios...

Different (and difficult) times call for different approaches to portfolio construction - in this thought piece, Hamish Douglass shares his views on tHiNkInG oUtSiDe ThE bOx about building portfolios...

Different (and difficult) times call for different approaches to portfolio construction - in this thought piece, Anthony Bolton shares his views on tHiNkInG oUtSiDe ThE bOx about building portfolios...

Different (and difficult) times call for different approaches to portfolio construction - in this thought piece, Dr Woody Brock shares his views on tHiNkInG oUtSiDe ThE bOx about building portfolios...

Different (and difficult) times call for different approaches to portfolio construction - in this thought piece, Cliff Asness shares his views on tHiNkInG oUtSiDe ThE bOx about building portfolios.

What are the implications for portfolios, of China's leadership change and the political and economic challenges in the US and Europe?

MPT is not broken, it has just been (badly) misapplied for the past 60 years. Appropriate use of MPT can lead to more efficient risk/return trade-offs...

This 2012 Conference session showed that major investment risk events occur in clusters, and focused on how to prioritise risk to achieve better investment decisions.

Dividend-yield strategies have outperformed in up and down markets, making them more of an all-weather approach than many may think...