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What impact has the FMA's Guidance Note: Limited Personalised Advice published in December had on how advisers handle lower value clients?

If you believe the US State Department has the Crimean situation under control, plan for a bullish scenario for risk assets. Plan for the opposite, if you believe Putin will prevail.

Aside from CPD changes, the most distinct change in the new Code of Professional Conduct for AFAs is to prioritise the "client first" rule. We asked advisers what this means in day-to-day business.

Communicating with clients is one of an adviser's most important responsibilities. In the modern world, the options of how to do this are many. What works?

A rise in US Treasury yields is likely to have a profound impact on benchmarks. Bonds should remain a critical component of portfolios, but a more active approach is necessary.

Think about bonds as an insurance policy for portfolios. With higher yields available, very cheap insurance is even better able to pay for hurdles facing portfolios.

Why Unconventional Monetary Policy is undertaken, how it works, what it does, whether it's inflationary, and some of the unintended consequences.

financialalert asked the heads of four financial adviser bodies about their plans for 2014, and what they will have on offer for advisers in the coming months.

There is a broad acceptance that Bernanke's monetary policy helped stave off another global depression. But the final verdict on unconventional monetary policy remains years away.

Those financialalert spoke to nominated a variety of issues for our annual "the good, the bad and the ugly" roundup - and for what advisers should be doing over the break to prepare for 2014.

Come Christmas, there will no longer be any annuity product providers in New Zealand. Fidelity is pulling out, citing lack of demand. But a new player is hoping to set up in 2014.

Across the ditch, Australia's Productivity Commission has recommended a jump in the entitlement age for superannuation to 70. We spoke to Kiwi academics and financial advisers about the likely future of NZ Super.

We are introducing three new investment scenarios for 2014 - our base case, Low for Longer; our bull case Growth Breakout, and our bear scenario, Imbalances Tip Over.

Why bother to get your CFP designation when AFA is the regulator's standard? Simple - 68% of CFP professionals generate higher revenues than those without certification.

Most target-date funds have two shortcomings that can be improved.

This article contends that some arguments used to validate alternative indexing can be easily proven false.

The Code Committee is currently reviewing final submissions on proposed changes to the Code of Professional Conduct for Authorised Financial Advisers. Structured Continuing Professional Development is shaping up as the hot potato, with the way in which advisers are accredited CPD hours set to change significantly.

One Fed exit has become clear. Chairman Ben Bernanke will hand over to Janet Yellen. The second - exiting an era of ultra-loose monetary policies - is fiendishly difficult.

In this second of our two-part feature on ageing and how advisers need to adapt for this growing client base, we take a closer look at the personal and demographic effects.

Gold's disappointing performance has been a topic of discussion at GaveKal. Most of us come down on the side of one of four possible explanations.