1585 results found

The Investment Management Research Workshop 2019 showcased contemporary academic research that is relevant to investment management.

Five misplaced concerns about the future of the dollar make forecasts of a long-run collapse in the dollar problematic.

Woody Brock | 0.50 CE

The Conexus Fiduciary Investors Symposium 2019 (20-22 May 2019) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Continuing Education (CE/CPD) hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE accreditation.

Climate change has moved faster than most thought possible. There will be exciting investment opportunities in companies focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Jeremy Grantham | 1.00 CE

A recent paper looks at the impact of passive investing on market stability; a second describes shades of alpha for active and index investing. A third reviews luck and portfolio rebalancing outcomes.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Rather than worrying about whether portfolios are actively or passively managed, investors should focus on strategic asset allocation. The tired active-passive investment debate has run its course.

The long boom in Australian residential property prices seems to have finally ended. Further falls to come will cause the Australian economy to slow but will not cause a recession.

Tim Farrelly | 2 comments | 0.25 CE

These are my key takeouts from Markets Summit 2019's Faculty of investment thinkers from around the world offering their high conviction ideas on the drivers of and outlook for the markets.

China is frequently presented as a source of crisis or instability for the global economy. However, the picture is one of imperfection, not peril.

What's new with our ontinuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

Compared to physical risks, investors have a much greater ability to incorporate carbon and related pollution regulations into investment decisions.

The US Federal Reserve surprised markets recently with a large and unexpected policy change. The new normal will be a US policy rate close to or just below 3%.

Our regular Forum Fodder email alerts Members to what's new with our blended live and online continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

Our regular Forum Fodder email alerts Members to what's new with our blended live and online continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

Climate change is affecting countries, companies, assets and communities in a variety of ways. Good stewardship of client assets requires investors to consider these issues.

There may be enough positive factors to make this a relatively decent - albeit mediocre - year for the global economy. But a global growth-stall and sharp market downturn could come in 2020.

Our regular Forum Fodder email alerts Members to what's new with our blended live and online continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

More than one third of Australians think there is widespread corruption in the banking and finance sector.

Rebecca Huntley | 0.25 CE

Helping clients is about more than just educating them as to the right decision, it's also about helping them to actually take action.

Michael Kitces | 1.50 CE

Helping clients is about more than just educating them as to the right decision, it's also about helping them to actually take action.

Michael Kitces | 0.75 CE