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As professionals we need to stand with our clients and share our voice to ensure risk-aware approaches part of our investment landscape.

Anthony Golowenko | 0.50 CE

The Investing Roundtable explored key challenges and opportunities that practitioners should be thinking about when building quality multi-asset, multi-manager portfolios.

The young are better able to navigate VUCA owing to their natural growth and learning mindset. In an environment where investors can do anything, just not everything, we can all benefit from adopting a youth mindset.

Markets have undergone a regime shift - to prosper, we need to understand the factors that will be crucial to building multi-asset portfolios capable of delivering financial wellbeing in the years ahead.

Steve Hanke | 0.50 CE

This is Part Two of our annual three-part Strategies Conference Investment Committee hypothetical.

The Investment Committee (our Strategies Conference delegates) has appointed an independent consulting firm to provide a robust and transparently determined and documented global economic outlook for the next three years, using a scenarios-based economic modelling philosophy. In this session, the economists summarise and debate three plausible, forward-looking economic and market scenarios that have a reasonable probability of occurring during the next three years.

Then, the economists and a diverse panel of asset class experts debate the implications of the three economic scenarios for medium-term (three-year) asset class returns.

Following the panel discussion, the Investment Committee members (Strategies Conference delegates) vote on the likelihood of each of the three scenarios, to determine which is most likely, next most likely and least likely. The outcome is then an input to into the Asset Allocation Roundtable 2023, Part Three of our Investment Committee hypothetical.

This is Part Three of our annual three-part Strategies Conference Investment Committee hypothetical.

The inputs from the Economic Scenarios & Asset Class Outlook Roundtable are used to determine a neutral asset allocation for a hypothetical portfolio.

Our Investment Committee (Strategies Conference delegates) then determines the dynamic asset allocation by voting separately on whether to underweight or overweight the various asset classes.

Our panel then debates the optimal implementation of the DAA, with reference to investment styles, duration, credit, and listed/unlisted assets, among other considerations.

Three gigantic, global, interconnected risks have the potential to upend the world as we know it. Escalating US-China war, the rapid acceleration of artificial intelligence, and challenges to the US dollar’s reserve currency status will define the geopolitical, technological, and economic landscape in coming decades. Yet each risk is accompanied by tremendous opportunity. Investors who understand a wide range of potential outcomes for ambiguous developments will be better positioned to successfully navigate the uncertainty plaguing our world.

Part 3 draws together the threads of Strategies Conference 2023, in a debate on the key takeouts from this year’s program and the actions that practitioners can take to mitigate global risks and take advantage of the accompanying opportunities in multi-asset, multi-manager portfolios.

Strategies Conference 2023 "You can do anything, just not everything!" will challenge and refresh your portfolio construction thinking by debating contemporary and emerging portfolio construction strategies, to help you build better quality portfolios. Join us Wed-Thu 23-24 August 2023 at the live studio, a live site or via live stream.

This is Part One of our annual three-part Strategies Conference Investment Committee hypothetical. Our
independent consulting firm has provided a global economic outlook for the next three years, using a scenarios-based economic modelling philosophy.

Achieving equity like returns with much lower risk and equivalent liquidity is the holy grail that is now on offer from high yield.

Paul Benson | 0.25 CE

Beyond a near-term sluggish outlook for global growth, practitioners should think about three key forces which will drive long-term market risks and opportunities.

Since central banks abandoned their ultra-loose monetary policies, currencies once again offer a source of investment returns, as well as portfolio diversification.

Razvan Remsing | 1.00 CE

Strategies Conference will challenge and refresh your portfolio construction thinking by debating contemporary and emerging portfolio construction strategies, to help you build better quality portfolios. Today, as we continue to navigate the structural shift to an inflationary, higher interest rate investment regime in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, it stands to reason that portfolio strategies must continue to evolve from what worked in the prior "lower for longer" regime. But, common wisdom warns us against throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Prioritising the most important changes to make to investment objectives, asset allocation, currency management, manager selection and blending, and portfolio risk management is key – because you can do anything, just not everything!