1585 results found

A disciplined, scenarios-based approach to determining your views on the outlook for markets and then the asset allocation implications can help future-proof portfolios.

Future-proofing isn’t about guaranteeing an outcome. No strategy can do that. It's about implementing strategies today that increase the likelihood that multiple objectives, often with different time horizons, can be all achieved.

'Future-proof portfolios’ are entirely achievable. Given the complexity of developing retirement investment strategies, a ‘whole-of-portfolio’ approach and framework is warranted to achieve better long-term outcomes for clients.

The Conexus Best Practice Forum (7 August & 9 August 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

This week in Forum Fodder: Stephen Roach - QE turns 10; Tim Farrelly - How dumb are bond markets?; Jacob Mitchell – Interest rate assumptions dangerous; Peter Kim - Passive not the way in Asia; Gopi Karunakaran - Does fixed income diversify

Re-evaluate the conventional assumption that owning government bonds is inherently defensive and risk diversifying. At best, it's an expensive choice and at worst, it won't work.

November 2018 will mark the tenth anniversary of quantitative easing - undoubtedly the boldest policy experiment in central banking modern history. There are five key lessons learned from QE.

This week in Forum Fodder: Jim O'Neill - Global economy's uncertain future; David Knox - Why older Australian's save; Kej Somaia - Licence to tilt; Dean Stewart - Bonds more important than ever; Nik Dvornak - Europe, a long way to the top.

A recent study gives us a better understanding into the decisions made by older Australians between consumption and saving.

This week in Forum Fodder: Roubini - Trump may kill global recovery; Farrelly - Geopolitics to the fore; Bradley - 5 investment committee tools; Gillespie - On the cusp of an EM crash; Schowitz - Tech's impact in your investment choices...

An Investment Committee is key to a well-constructed portfolio. Your IC's toolbox must contain the appropriate tools, making governance a key pillar of your portfolio construction process.

This week in Forum Fodder: Stephen Roach - politics trumps economics; Zenith - undiscovered fund; Amin Rajan - passive investing; Alex Wolf - China's Belt & Road less than meets the eye; Rob Mead - gear down risk allocation

The CIMA Society Seminar 4 2018 (27/28 June 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

This week in Forum Fodder: Susan Lund – a corporate debt bubble?; Aaron Minney - most investors need to eat capital; Michael Furey - Investment faux pas; Tom Switzer - Don’t write off America; Douglas Isles - Beware the trifecta of desire

Since the GFC, the value of non-financial companies' outstanding bonds has nearly tripled. While a correction seems likely, the broad shift toward bond financing is actually a welcome development.

Over the years, I've seen countless portfolios. Virtually all have had a pre-defined asset allocation aligned to a risk profile. But occasionally, that's where the alignment ended.

This week in Forum Fodder: Robert Shiller – allure of new money; David Knox - longevity products; Herman Brodie - caring practitioners; Sonja Laud - cash the alternative asset class; Brett Gillespie - markets creak as yields creep higher.

Quantitative Tightening is jangling the nerves of investors around the world. It's unprecedented and so no-one knows for sure exactly how it will play out. But all the evidence points to QT being a non-event.

The Conexus Licensee Summit 2018 (4-5 June 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

This week in Forum Fodder: Robert Shiller – allure of new money; David Knox - longevity products; Herman Brodie - caring practitioners; Sonja Laud - cash the alternative asset class; Brett Gillespie - markets creak as yields creep high