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Ten years ago, hardly anyone talked about low-volatility investing. Now there's growing concern it is becoming an overcrowded trade. There are four arguments against this.

PortfolioConstruction Forum Academy Spring Seminar 2014 features three sessions. This Resources Kit contains the materials for preparing for the Seminar. After the Seminar, it will also contain the presentations for each session.

In managing sequence of returns risk, we may not be giving simple rebalancing nearly the credit it deserves to accomplish similar or better than more complex approaches.

The answer seems obvious. But more complicated forces are at work that have reduced real interest rates far below historic norms and may keep them very low for many years.

The media continues to obsess about IS - but the far more investment-relevant development in the Middle East is the sudden return of Libyan crude to the market.

Last week's volatility surprised many. How should portfolios be positioned? And what does this recent bout of volatility tell us about the economy and financial markets?

One of the originators of CAPM, Sharpe was awarded the Nobel Prize in economics. I sat down with him to discuss retirement income planning.

Thomas Piketty's "Capital in the Twenty‐First Century" is certainly the economics book of the year. We have been asked numerous times to appraise his ideas.

Our Forum Fodder e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams. What a week it's been for markets - not surprisingly, this week's Fodder has a distinct markets focus

The German word for what we saw in markets this week is Torschlusspanik. Literally "gate-shut-panic", it describes the nasty crush when everyone rushes at once for an exit.

China has about five years to lay the groundwork for the transition to a new monetary policy framework with a currency that is sufficiently flexible.

Relying on Fed tightening to predict the next serious sharemarket weakness may be very dangerous. Perhaps this time really IS different.

Earlier this year, volatility across a whole range of key global assets reached major multi-year lows. But, equity volatility, we expect, has passed it's low for this cycle.

Our Forum Fodder e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams. This week's Fodder is back to its normal ''mixed bag'' of opinions and papers

Our Forum Fodder e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams. This week's Fodder is back to its normal ''mixed bag'' of opinions and papers

In the US, despite moderate growth, we see very attractive valuations while many emerging markets are undervalued. But 7% growth in China is unrealistic.

Our Forum Fodder e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams. This week's Fodder highlights five of the 10 highest rated sessions from our recent PortfolioConstruction Forum Conference - Risk and Return (& Relating).

Our Forum Fodder e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams. This week's Fodder highlights five of the 10 highest rated sessions from our recent PortfolioConstruction Forum Conference - Risk and Return (& Relating).

This Resources Kit is a deluge of videos, podcasts, and papers for all sessions of the jam-packed Conference 2014 program so you can "attend" even if you weren't part of the 600 plus audience.

Over the next year or two, asset prices will no longer be driven by economic stats and monetary policy. Three major rotations are likely to continue and gather pace.