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This paper examines the empirical relation between risk and return in emerging equity markets and finds that this relation is flat, or even negative.

Looking beyond the immediate risk of Fonterra's product safety issues, over the medium-term, we continue to see sufficient global and domestic economic momentum to support higher bond yields.

There are valuable lessons in this paper by an adviser who embraced the lifecycle investing approach.

Australia faces big economic challenges - meaning superannuation will inevitably feel pressure for reform which will encompass four key changes.

Two years since inception, the FMA's CEO will leave after he finishes his minimum contract period in October. We asked industry bodies, advisers and the FMA for their views on how the regulator has done its job over the period.

Increasing FUM brings the risk of detrimental effects on performance, some obvious, others less so.

Lifecycle investing considers the whole of a person's life to ensure acceptable standards of living are achieved consistently. It differs from more traditional approaches to financial planning in a number of important ways.

According to a recent survey, 37% of retirees cannot tolerate any portfolio losses in any one year. Even conservative portfolios would have failed that test over the past 25 years.

Finding the right person to join your financial advisory business can be tough. financialalert spoke with various sized advisory firms about their approach to taking on new advisers.

If "The Power of Zero" were a movie, we've just watched the end. The great rotation out of bonds has begun and the beneficiaries will be cash, property, and equities.

While it is hard to quantify the benefits of investment risk management, it should not be discounted. Risk management is far more than just reporting volatility.

Is it more important for a fund manager to have strong investment team stability, or to have some turnover of investment team staff to allow for new ideas?

Napoleon famously wanted his generals to be lucky. But in funds management, skill is more dependable. Batting average gives some good insights.

Maybe the huge list of problems equity markets must work through is the usual wall of worry - but a simpler explanation would be a rising tide of bad omens.

This paper is a valuable addition to research on safe withdrawal rates for retirement portfolios, finding the 4% safe withdrawal rate may not be so safe in today's conditions.

We're not experiencing, as everybody thinks, a near-bursting bubble environment in bonds - and nor will the Fed trigger an uncontrollable rise in inflation when it ends its QE.

By 2031, the number of Kiwis aged 55-plus will grow to around 32% of the total population. Advisers need to develop different skills needed to really understand and help clients as they approach and enter retirement.

Growth indicators improved in June, despite equity markets being rattled. In the absence of an inflationary shock, we think equity markets will trend higher.

The EU faces another stomach-churching Summer and Autumn, while the Euro correction has started. At least Australian velocity of money is painting a pretty positive picture.

This week, the FMA announced that three advisers are being brought before the Financial Advisers Disciplinary Committee (FADC). We asked what happens with disputes and what PI cover is appropriate.