3264 results found

This week in Fodder: Roubini rubbishes blockchain; Catherine Wood on the profound value of blockchain; Ron Temple on US growth and current valuations; Tim Farrelly on the bondcano narrative; and Michael Kitces on why the finologist of the future is a cyborg.

The peddlers of the Bond-cano narrative give very different recommendations. Even if we buy the story, it's just not clear what to do - all of which suggests that it is just a wonderful narrative.

In my opinion, the asset-price volatility we have been seeing has little or nothing to do with changes in fundamentals. And the widespread use of machine-driven trading is likely making all of this worse.

In Fodder this week - El_Erian on the next economic paradigm; Velasco on “rational irrational exuberance”; Bird on impact of passive investing on markets; Brodie on trust & what matters to investors; and Farrelly – we can all do better communicating with investors.

In nine pages, this paper says all that needs to be said on the ability of any of us to estimate the true value of financial assets. The next two papers produce conflicting findings on the impact of index investing on markets.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

The Conexus Real Estate and Private Markets Conference (27-28 February 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

Was the recent market volatility predictable? Was the volatility exogenous or endogenous in nature? What lies ahead as regards inflation and interest rates?

The CIMA Society Seminar 1 2018 (21/22 February 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

The Conexus Financial Investment Operations Conference (20 February 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

This week in Fodder: Chris Watling - economics is broken; Dr Dambisa Moyo - the inevitable reckoning; Dr Bob Gay - the great QE carry trade; Michael Kitces - finology and the future of financial planning; Patrik Schowitz - impact of technology on economic growth

Let's be absolutely clear - the recent plunge in equity markets has almost nothing to do with inflation or a changing of the guard at the Fed.

Finology Summit 2018 (14 Feb 2018) has been assessed and accredited for CE hours. Delegates can confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

The CIE CIO Symposium 2018 (14-16 February 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Continuing Education (CE/CPD) hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE accreditation.

Against the backdrop of legislated increases in financial adviser education, standards and ethics, finology must be seen as central to the curriculum of what financial advisers learn and how they practice, for professionalism to be complete.

Practitioners demand a trifecta from fund managers - performance, simplicity, connection. But many great investments are contrarian and uncomfortable.

Douglas Isles | 0.25 CE

Too much of our communication with end investors is either irrelevant, unintelligible to the average investor - or worse still, both.

Tim Farrelly | 0.50 CE

Managed accounts have become increasingly popular with approximately A$40bn in assets. Prepare to ride the managed accounts tsunami or be left in its wake.

George Walker | 0.50 CE

“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care,” cautioned Theodore Roosevelt. This is especially true when risk is involved.

Herman Brodie | 0.25 CE

While robo-advisors have been the big buzz as replacement humans, they’re not (and data proves it). Technology alone is not enough (otherwise everyone with a FitBit on their wrist would be healthy).

Michael Kitces | 0.50 CE

Behavioural biases - substitution, aggregation, and feedback risks, overconfidence, and limited attention and availability bias - distort money managers' perceptions and lead them to take risks they don’t see.

Terrance Odean | 0.50 CE