1585 results found

Britannia launches new compliant QROPS - open to all advisers. Call to ban publication of gross returns for KiwiSaver funds. Annual declaration time for AFAs. Where your clients income tax ends up...

In early May 2012, 120 portfolio construction practitioners - 90% of them AFAs - gathered in Auckland for the two-day PortfolioConstruction Forum Symposium featured leading local and international investment professionals presenting on contemporary and emerging portfolio construction issues. financialalert asked delegates to send in their key takeouts from the two-day program...

In this Workshop, two full-time research professionals demonstrated how they would design a portfolio for a real investor, based on a real world portfolio construction case study submitted by one of the Symposium delegates...

MPT has been misapplied for the past 60 years. In this Critical Issues Forum, Michael Kitces argued that markets are not efficient, but they are adaptive - so appropriate use of MPT requires forward-looking projections. This requires more work to apply effectively, but can lead to portfolios that are more efficient and give better risk/return trade-offs.

Have your 2012 revenue resolutions gone by the wayside? If so, the year is far from over - consider picking one of three simple strategies identified in a recent research study which differentiated financial planning firms that outperform...

Nearly a quarter of your clients do invest for the thrill of it, according to FinaMetrica’s sample of more than 500,000 investors. What that means for advisers?

Two retail fund analysts have been awarded scholarships by Blackrock Investment Management and PortfolioConstruction Forum to attend the prestigious CIMA Program...

The prevailing wisdom is that tensions with Iran have caused oil prices to rise recently. But there's
a much greater long-term threat shaping investment opportunities...

Politics are messy. Reforms have stalled. The economy is slowing. Some question whether India's economic miracle is over.

Statements of advice are one of the more onerous requirements for financial advisers under the new regulatory regime. Code Standards 9 and 12 now mandate advisers must provide written information to clients regarding personalised services. With very little guidance from the regulator on how to go about this, financialalert asked some advisers what they're doing to comply and how they're going about writing financial plans...

FMA to publish adviser compliance results, notes it is watching fees vs commission issues; Investors will pay $770 for comprehensive financial advice; Financial Planning Standards Board seeks board nominations; Weldon's top 10 for the next 10 years for growing NZ's economy; Macquarie to recruit 30+ financial advisers...

The Japanese house price experience of the past two decades remains a real possibility for many countries including Australia...

In this second part of our two-part feature on adapting to the new regulatory reality, we look at what to tell clients about investing, how pedantic advisers need to be with record keeping, and what the Financial Markets Authority is doing to educate consumers.

The biggest myth that investors believe about China is that its economy is primarily driven by exports. Two charts debunk this misconception...

How ironic that the former safe havens of bonds and income-oriented equities now stand accused of being 'crowded trades' - the new bubbles...

Regulation has forever changed the way advisers and their businesses operate - but has it changed the marketplace for advice? In the first of this two-part feature, financialalert spoke with several practices about how they've adapted to the new reality, what effects regulation has had on their bottom line, and where clients are coming from these days...

Recent research suggests financial planning firms with revenue-based incentives for their staff nearly tripled their revenue growth compared to firms with merit-based bonuses. Your staff may impact the planning firm's revenue far more than you realise - here are six ways they absolutely impact the revenue of your firm...

If you're not excited about the work you do, you can't expect your team and your clients to be. Here are three different approaches that can help you restore your energy and excitement level...

This Academy Seminar debates the following three topics in a Socratic learning environment: Investment fables III - Value; What does financial success look like in retirement; and, Turning micro China observations into macro insights.

HMRC knocks 41 New Zealand QROPS off its list. Planning practices worth 2-3 times recurring revenue. Call to ditch KiwiSaver defaults. NZ and Australian corporate defaults fall. Advisers using social media. FMA does better second time around on disclosure guidance.