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Banks are a defensive fixed income investment. This may sound counterintuitive only a decade removed from the most prolific financial crisis of our lifetime.

Attilio Qualtieri | 0.25 CE

Finology Summit is THE behavioural finance ("fin") and investment psychology ("ology") program of the year. The blended live and online learning program features an exceptional Faculty of experts from around the world. Each offers his/her best high conviction ideas - on the relationships between people and money, behavioural economics and behaviour change - and how people's different beliefs, biases and behaviours about investing, impact investment markets and influence portfolio construction philosophy and practices.

Australian investors have a different perspective on foreign currency to investors elsewhere in the world, and this should be reflected in how local portfolios are built.

Investors are entitled to believe that the industry has standards so that they can compare like with like - but obviously that's not the case.

An inflation target of a few percentage points may seem to promote stability - but we need to consider that it may have the opposite effect on the stability of our judgments.

This week in Forum Fodder: Prof J Bradford DeLong - Self-fulfilling financial crises; Brett Gillespie - In this tug-of-war market, you need a bet each way; Annika Bradley - 5 essentials: managed account vs managed fund; Prof Ron Bird - Asset management, overconfidence and market discipline; Nikki Thomas - Capturing future earnings upgrades leads to outperformance.

Potential returns on traditional assets are falling and the search is on for different sources of attractive returns. The Australian Asset Backed Loans asset class deserves a place in many portfolios.

Tim Farrelly | 1.00 CE

Strategies Conference 2018 (22/23 August 2018) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

The Australian (and global economy) is facing decades of significant technological change that will reshape how we work, where we work, and how we relate to each other economically and politically.

Chris Berg | 0.25 CE

Harry Markowitz called diversification "the only free lunch in finance". But it can’t be taken for granted as not all diversification is good. The answer will often lie with good rules of thumb.

Tim Farrelly | 1 comment | 0.25 CE

Investors should treat foreign currency as an asset class in its own right, considering both short- and long-term currency risks, as well as where the best return opportunities lie.

Olivia Engel | 0.50 CE

Unconstrained strategies can be supportive in both maximising portfolio returns and reducing risk but a clear philosophy and framework for apportioning risk in unconstrained portfolios is key.

Prashant Chandran | 0.25 CE

Investors need to entirely rethink their processes, assumptions and research approach, to focus on the cultures of consumers in different markets. Only by thinking like new brands themselves, can investors identify and invest in the next powerful emerging trend.

The familiar phrase “Past performance is not indicative of future performance” is so common we almost ignore it, but it goes to the heart of how to view and manage risk and return to future-proof portfolios.

Marc Seidner | 0.50 CE

Future proofing portfolios is difficult, due to today’s demanding valuations and because the future is intrinsically unknowable. There are no set-and-forget strategies in a world of ever-changing prices.

Philipp Hofflin | 0.25 CE

Investment portfolio construction is, by definition, an exercise in long-term thinking. Given the uncertainties and competing priorities, are future-proof portfolios achievable? Practitioners share their views.

There will always be movements in markets that we need to be attentive to, and you should construct a portfolio that takes advantage of fear. But don't let that fear drive the dominating principles in your portfolio construction.

To future proof portfolios, you need human skill and judgment to distinguish between the purely random and real investment insights. This is the power of combining machines and humans.

Nick Thomas-Peter | 0.50 CE

An aging population, maturing superannuation system and government policy are dramatically increasing the need for effective solutions for the retiree population.

Due to biases in investing, Sharpe ratios of investor portfolios are often not as high as investors expect. How low can a random walk of a Sharpe ratio wander through the natural realisation of risk?

Philip Seager | 0.50 CE