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This week's Fodder is a mixed bag covering markets, strategies and investing with Jack Gray, Tim Farrelly and GaveKal

In this week's Fodder Dom McCormick comments on the IOOF media frenzy plus GaveKal on Greece & 2 geopolitical pieces from Mohamed El-Erian & Bill O'Grady.

In this week's Fodder Dom McCormick comments on the IOOF media frenzy plus GaveKal on Greece & 2 geopolitical pieces from Mohamed El-Erian & Bill O'Grady

This week's Fodder features 15 CPD accredited videos, papers and perspectives. Absorb them, sit the quiz and earn CPD.

This week's Fodder features 15 CPD accredited videos, papers and perspectives. Absorb them, sit the quiz and earn CPD.

New this week - Jonathan Pain argues reflation is underway & Dom McCormick says "No property bubble" case lacks substance, plus more from GaveKal, Keith Goddard and BCA Research.

New this week - Jonathan Pain argues reflation is underway & Dom McCormick says "No property bubble" case lacks substance, plus more from GaveKal, Keith Goddard and BCA Research.

This week's Fodder features contrasting views on smart beta with Michael Furey, Michael Edesess and Neuberger Berman

This week's Fodder features contrasting views on smart beta with Michael Furey, Michael Edesess and Neuberger Berman

New this week - Jonathan Pain talks secular reflation while Bob Gay says there's little chance the ECB's QE will work

New this week - Jonathan Pain talks secular reflation while Bob Gay says there's little chance the ECB's QE will work

New this week - Roubini on currency wars & McCormick on the debt unwind. Plus, earn CPD with articles from Dr Joanne Earl, John Hock & Scott Weiner

New this week - Roubini on currency wars & McCormick on the debt unwind. Plus, earn CPD with articles from Dr Joanne Earl, John Hock & Scott Weiner

In Fodder this week - Bill Gross on the end of the secular bull market, plus the latest "undiscovered fund" from Zenith.

New this week - Bill Gross on the end of the secular bull market, plus the latest "undiscovered fund" from Zenith.

This week's Fodder has an equities theme with Woody Brock, Cliff Asness, Michael Kitces, GaveKal and JP Morgan

This week's Fodder has an equities theme with Woody Brock, Cliff Asness, Michael Kitces, GaveKal and JP Morgan

Our Forum Fodder NZ e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams. In Fodder NZ this week - Jack Gray on unknown unknowns plus low interest rates with Tim Farrelly, Bob Gay & Rob Mead

In Fodder this week - Jack Gray on unknown unknowns plus low interest rates with Tim Farrelly, Bob Gay and Rob Mead

Fodder is back this week with Dom McCormick and Oliver Hartwich, plus 3 pieces on active management