31 results found

Even armed with objective probabilities to help decision-making, people often add their own subjective "weights". Two papers explain this "probability weighting" and how it affects investment decisions.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

Beliefs interact with investors' biases and preferences to ultimately influence their behaviour. Two recent papers highlight the impact of individual investors' beliefs about the future and the impact on portfolio behaviour and composition, as well as market returns.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

Relatively little is known about what greed is and does. These two papers highlight the importance of greed in economic behaviour, and to a greater chance of engaging in ethically questionable behaviour.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

Culture explains much about how we think, feel, and behave. These two papers explore the influence of culture and cultural distance in a financial context.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

These two papers provide a more sophisticated, behavioural understanding of time discounting, to enable more nuanced conversations with clients about current and future consumption, and help mitigate the potentially negative impacts of present bias.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

These two research papers present insights into how advisers can better assess and guide how clients think about and structure goals - including savings goals.

Rob Hamshar | 2 comments | 1.00 CE

Humans categorise and form stories about their world - including their financial lives. Two recent papers emphasise the implications of mental accounting, particularly for any investment professional in a client-facing role.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

Two research papers exploring regret can help us improve how investment decision-making and outcomes are framed with clients and offer deeper insight into clients' personal and financial goals and priorities.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

The endowment effect is the tendency for people who own a good to value it more than people who do not. Its economic impact is consequential. Two recent papers offer important and very useful insights for investment professionals.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

The line between "error" and "reasonable human functioning" is remarkably vague. This Research Review focuses on a widely-cited paper that thoroughly unpacks the various concepts under the umbrella of confirmation bias.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

Memory is far from being a repository of neutral, reliable information and accounts of past events. This Research Review focuses on a seminal paper published in 1999 on "the seven sins of memory", and a recent 2019 paper on how memory errors impact investment decisions.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE