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These tutorials relate to the IMAC 2024 lectures and are available to CIMA candidates enrolled in the CIMA Certification Asia Pacific Program 2024.

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CIMA Society Asia Pacific is the community of practice for investment and wealth professionals in the Asia Pacific. We welcome new members - join or renew your membership today.

Multi-asset, multi-manager investment portfolios can be viewed as complex machines that, if properly assembled and managed, provide benefits far outweighing those of their individual components. The whole is definitely greater than the sum of its parts! Strategies Summit 2024 (Wed-Thu 21-22 Aug) challenges and refreshes your portfolio construction thinking by debating contemporary and emerging portfolio construction strategies to help you build better quality portfolios.

Legacy active management is under pressure. Inconsistent performance and high fees have resulted in a flood of money to passive indices and private market assets. As some investors turn away from active management, a renaissance of modernisation is quietly underway. With clearer goals of how to contribute meaningfully to client portfolios, a breaking down of industry silos and the embrace of new technology, next generation active managers are able to exploit inefficient markets like small caps to deliver real alpha at lower fees – in other words, a portfolio that really is greater than the sum of its parts! Investors need to challenge conventional wisdom around investment style, process and active share and focus on durable sources of alpha that will improve total portfolio returns.

Traditional stocks and bonds have long been the mainstay of investment portfolios. However, the breadth and depth of private markets increased significantly in recent years and practitioners can no longer ignore unlisted assets. When held alongside publicly traded equities and bonds, private equity, private debt and real asset strategies may bring significant benefits to multi-asset portfolios, providing access to unique investment opportunities.

With the body of human knowledge doubling in size every year, investors are drowning in data. Yet the emergence of artificial intelligence will increasingly help us manage the problem of cognitive overload. Indeed, such technologies are bringing about a new era, in which the logical and emotional hemispheres of the human brain are knitted back together, enabling a more holistic understanding of the world. The emergence of this superhuman consciousness will profoundly change how people think about the nature of reality – in finance, and more generally – revolutionising the way we manage risk and uncertainty.

The things that make people, people, are also the things that bind our portfolio construction methods together. Investment philosophies, beliefs and biases impact how we implement our technical skills by adjusting not only the angle of our enquiries but also how we interpret our results. As highly trained investment managers and advisers, we are impacted not only by our biases in behaviour, but also by the biases we hold that we’re not even aware we hold.

We humans by nature deal with much of our lives and memories in stories and story-like forms, to be dipped into for comfort and provide explanations. To excel academically and professionally, we need to think taxonomically, organising information in a structured hierarchy. But while these taxonomic processes help us early in our careers, they can also limit our perspective, making our thinking predictable and replicable by AI. To gain deeper insights, critical to long-term investing, we must adapt by integrating finance with other disciplines such as economics, accounting, finance, sociology, anthropology, psychology, sustainability, political science and philosophy. Adopting a holistic perspective can greatly improve problem-solving, bringing valuable benefits to our clients’ portfolios.

This is part 2 of the Hypothetical. This diverse panel of asset class experts discusses and clarifies the implications of the four scenarios for the medium-term (three-year) outlook for key asset classes, and then the Investment Committee (Summit delegates) votes to determine probabilities for each of the scenarios. The probabilities are an input into the Asset Allocation Roundtable (next session).

The inputs from the Asset Class Outlook Roundtable determine a headline Dynamic Asset Allocation (DAA) Growth/Defensive split for the coming 12 months, based on the 60/40 Neutral Asset Allocation (NAA). diverse panel of asset allocation experts discusses and debates key asset allocation and implementation decisions with reference to the NAA and within the context of the headline DAA Growth/Defensive split. The Investment Committee (Summit delegates) votes as the asset class decisions are being debated. Once finalised, the Investment Committee’s views (as expressed by the voting) then determine the DAA for the hypothetical portfolio for the coming 12 months.

Our diverse panel of experts identified their key takeouts from Strategies Summit 2024 and the portfolio construction implications.

Wetware-powered AI is changing the way we manage risk and uncertainty, including in financial markets. Its rise will also profoundly change how humans think about the nature of reality — in finance and more generally.

Are supply chains fixed or broken? In the second half of 2024, firms are having to deal with logistics network volatility. Heading into 2025, political and regulatory risks provide risks and opportunities for investors.

Chris Rogers | 0.25 CE

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the fundamentals of client discovery and formulating an Investment Policy Statement in the investment consulting context.

CIMA Society Asia Pacific is the community of practice for investment and wealth professionals in the Asia Pacific. It is governed according by an elected Board. The day-to-day operation of CIMA Society is managed by the Secretariat, headed by the Executive Officer.

CIMA Society Asia Pacific is the community of practice for investment and wealth professionals in the Asia Pacific. By joining CIMA Society Asia Pacific and then renewing their membership each year, members commit to upholding the CIMA Society Asia Pacific Code of Ethics.