Financial Services Council - CE Accreditation

Financial Services Council is committed to delivering quality learning activities for wealth management professionals.

FSC has partnered with Portfolio Construction Forum to ensure that FSC’s learning activities are accredited for CE/CPD hours that can be used to help you meet the CE/CPD requirements of 20 governing bodies (regulators, associations, and institutes) – including ASIC, APRA, FASEA, FMA, AFA, FPA and CIMA® CE/CPD requirements, to name just a few - and that the related CE/CPD certificate is available to you 24/7 via the Forum’s complimentary MyCE platform.

Who is Portfolio Construction Forum?

Portfolio Construction Forum is the specialist, independent, investment continuing education, accreditation and certification service. Our experience in investment continuing education dates back to 2002. Our CE/CPD accreditation team is second to none in experience both in investment education and CE/CPD policy. We have been accrediting our own and other firms’ learning activities for many years. In addition, the Forum gave input into the FASEA CE/CPD framework as it was formed and we were part of the 2019 industry working group (FPA, SMSFA, AFA, ourselves and others) that then agreed how the FASEA CPD framework would be applied consistently.

We and our CE Accreditation Partners, including FSC, are committed to offering a best practice CE/CPD accreditation service that:

  • ensures we’re all on rock solid ground in terms of proving that your CE accreditation was conferred in an ethical and compliant manner; and,
  • enables you to record, track and report the CE/CPD you earn against multiple designations and regulatory/compliance requirements, via the Forum’s complimentary MyCE platform which is available 24/7 so you never have to search for a missing certificate again.

What do you need to do to receive your CE/CPD certificate?

  • Live learning activities - After the event, FSC will email you a CE accreditation statement confirming the Forum’s accreditation of the event. The email contains a link to click on to attest your attendance at the various sessions of the event. As soon as you complete the attestation, you will receive an email from the Forum with a link to access your CE/CPD certificate via the Forum’s complimentary MyCE platform.

  • On-demand learning activities - After completing the learning activity, you click on a CE quiz link. As soon as you successfully complete the CE quiz, you will receive an email from the Forum with a link to access your CE/CPD certificate via the Forum’s complimentary MyCE platform.

Why do you need to attest your attendance or complete a CE quiz to receive your CE/CPD certificate?

In this day of increased scrutiny on the wealth management industry, it’s important that CE accreditation be done at best practice level. If you, FSC or the Forum are ever audited by ASIC, FASEA, or any other regulator, institute or association, we can all be sure we’re all on rock solid ground in terms of proving that your CE accreditation was conferred in an ethical and compliant manner.

What is MyCE?

Launched in 2012, MyCE is an easy-to-use online tool on the Forum’s website that allows you to record, track and report your various CE/CPD hours against multiple designations and regulatory/compliance requirements. It:

  • shows the specific knowledge/competency areas for each session of the event;
  • allows you to view, print and export your CE accreditation, so you can share it with others if you need to;
  • provides a comprehensive record of all the CE/CPD hours you earn from any of the Forum’s many CE Accreditation Partners and through the Forum’s live and on-demand programs over the years; and,
  • is available 24/7 - you never have to search for a missing certificate again.

What do you need to do now?

If you ARE already a member of Portfolio Construction Forum, there’s nothing further to do until you receive the CE accreditation statement from FSC.

If you ARE NOT already a member of the Forum, you just need to join – it’s instant and free - in order to be able to complete the attestation and/or CE quiz, and access your CE/CPD via your MyCE record. You can register now, or wait until the accreditation statement is emailed to you. Of course, you can unsubscribe any time.

If you have any questions about your MyCE record, please contact the Forum.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

Highlight our upcoming live CE programs, and all of the complimentary on-demand CE-accredited resources published over recent months.

Led by behavioural finance expert, Herman Brodie, the Behavioural Finance - Investment Decision-Making course will help you identify, analyse and evaluate the principal human preferences that influence decision-making in situations of uncertainty, so you can recognise and identify these preferences in others, to improve investment decision-making.