Forum Fodder

Portfolio Construction Forum | 16 April 2021

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The Portfolio Construction Forum team



Forum Fodder | Friday 16 April 2021
“I’m concerned that what is being done is substantially excessive.” - Former US Treasury secretary Larry Summers on recent US fiscal stimulus, in an interview with the Financial Times (12 April 2021).
All the best for another week’s continuing education!
P.S. Join us live in-studio or via livestream for Finology Summit 2021 “Behavioural FINance & investor psychOLOGY” (AEST Wed 19 May 2021) - Register now!



Is stagflation coming?
There is a growing debate about whether the inflation that will arise over the next few months will be temporary, reflecting the sharp bounce-back from the Covid-19 recession, or persistent, reflecting both demand-pull and cost-push factors.
Nouriel Roubini, Roubini Macro Associates | Read

Philosophy | Markets | Strategies | Investing | As seen at Markets Summit 2021

Back to the drawing board! - Key takeouts
Our diverse panel debated which of the high-conviction propositions they heard at Markets Summit 2021 resonated most strongly, which they disagreed with most - and the portfolio construction implications.
Markets Summit 2021 Expert Panel | 0.75 CE | Watch, Listen

Markets | Strategies | As seen at Markets Summit 2021

US equities valuations are not in a bubble
The consensus view that US equities are in a bubble is overblown. Go back to the drawing board when it comes to your views on US valuations - because this time IS different.
Jeff Schulze, ClearBridge Investments | 0.50 CE | Watch, Listen

Markets | As seen at Markets Summit 2021

Secular stagnation is the wrong narrative
Those who cling to yesterday’s narrative may forego one of the great trades of recent decades as the world shifts to a “global reopening” narrative and away from one of “secular stagnation”.
Julian McCormack, Platinum Asset Management | 0.50 CE | Watch, Listen


Research Roundtable - Colchester Global Government Bonds
This Research Roundtable focused on the Colchester Global Government Bonds strategy, with senior practitioners deciding, after briefings, Q&A and debate, their individual rating for the strategy and whether to include it on a hypothetical APL and/or multi-manager portfolios. Afterwards, the meeting is synthesised and published for on-demand viewing by all members.
Portfolio Construction Forum | 1.50 CE | Read, Watch

Portfolio Construction Forum proudly supports The Wayside Chapel

Lens of humility
When we know better, we do better. To know better, we rely on the courage of others to step forward and speak. Are we willing to be challenged as we confront the ways we have previously thought or lived, only now to recognise them as missteps?
Jon Owen, Wayside Chapel | Read

Finology | Invitation to investment advisers

Complimentary self-assessment to benchmark your Client Care & Practice knowledge and skills
FASEA requires that financial advisers continually improve their client care and practice knowledge and skills - doing so makes obvious business sense, as well. Our new Finology Benchmarking Indices (FBI) self assessment tool helps you benchmark your investing biases, beliefs and behaviours versus peers, to further empower your “client care and practice” knowledge and skills. It’s complimentary to our members who give investment advice, while we continue to develop it.
Portfolio Construction Forum | 0.50 CE | Take the FBI self-assessment



Finology Summit 2021 “Behavioural FINance and Investment PsychOLOGY” | AEST Wed 19 May 2021
Established in 2016, Finology Summit is THE behavioural finance (“fin”) and investment psychology (“ology”) program of the year. The program features an exceptional Faculty of experts from around the world, each offering their best high conviction ideas on behavioural finance and/or investor psychology, and the investment implications. Finology knowledge and skills help us better identify and understand how our own and other people’s different investing biases, beliefs and behaviours impact investment markets and portfolio construction practices - and therefore, investment outcomes - to enable better quality investor portfolios.
Attend live in-studio or via livestream! | Register now!



The dollar’s fragile hegemony
The greenback’s dominance may well be more fragile than it appears, because expected future changes in China’s exchange-rate regime are likely to trigger a significant shift in the international monetary order.
Kenneth Rogoff, Harvard University | Read

Markets | As seen at Markets Summit 2021

China will set the rules of the game; we all must accept that
The US, Australia and their allies have long depended on global “rules of the game” for their major companies and sectors to flourish. Australia and the US will have to accept that China will play an ever greater role shaping these rules.
Ngaire Woods, Oxford University | 0.50 CE | Watch, Listen

Markets | Strategies | As seen at Markets Summit 2021

Be optimistic, but beware - big risks lie ahead
A herculean tug of war between stronger economic growth and higher bond yields will be the defining battleground of 2021 and will be accompanied by violent and rapid-fire recalibrations of relative valuations.
Jonathan Pain, The Pain Report | 0.50 CE | Watch, Listen


Research Review: Probability weighting and investor behaviour
Even armed with objective probabilities to help decision-making, people often add their own subjective “weights”. Two papers explain this “probability weighting” and how it affects investment decisions.
Rob Hamshar, Portfolio Construction Forum | 1.00 CE | Read

Philosophy | Markets | Finology | See more from Herman at Finology Summit on 19 May 2021

Economics has come full circle
Classical economists often incorporated human behaviour into their thinking. But in the 1960s and 1970s, homo economicus - the great rational agent of economic theory - was born. It was not until the 1990s that the link between human behaviour and economics began to be re-established.
Herman Brodie, Prospecta | 0.25 CE | Watch, Listen


Get ready for the strongest growth in 50 years
Excellent presentation from Ron Temple. Stacked with punchy stats and delivered with high conviction.
Jonathan Pain, The Pain Report | Watch, Listen


The Bitcoin lottery
The price of Bitcoin, the canonical cryptocurrency, is so volatile that it is almost impossible to imagine it becoming a reliable store of value or means of exchange.
Jim O’Neill, Chatham House | Read

Philosophy | Finology

Rich Pickings: Keith Lloyd
Rich Pickings explores the investment beliefs and philosophies of prominent professional investors. In this Rich Pickings, I sit down with London-based Keith Lloyd, CEO and Deputy CIO of global bond manager, Colchester Global Investors.
Graham Rich, Portfolio Construction Forum | Watch, Listen

Markets | Strategies | As seen at Markets Summit 2021

Get ready for the strongest growth in 50 years
Pent up consumer demand, fiscal stimulus and accommodative monetary policy set the stage for a sharp global recovery. It is back to the drawing board in a high growth environment.
Ron Temple, Lazard Asset Management | 0.50 CE | 1 comment | Watch, Listen


Is cash trash?
With cash currently offering virtually no return, the question arises as to whether there is any reason to hold it as an investment.
Geoff Warren, Australian National University | Read


Covid-19 is a blueprint for the emotionomics 2.0 world
Understanding what has really changed in people’s values as a result of Covid-19 and the influence of emotions will prepare us for the increasingly polarised economic, geopolitical, social and environmental new world order.
Tassos Stassopoulos & Jonathan Shapiro |0.50 CE | Watch, Listen


Forum CE Library - over 575 CE/CPD accredited learning resources
Complimentary for all Forum members, the Forum’s online on-demand CE Library offers over 540 CE/CPD hours of accredited learning resources, to help members meet the CE/CPD requirements of 20 governing bodies (regulators, associations, and institutes) including ASIC, APRA, FASEA, FMA, AFA, FPA and CIMA® CE/CPD requirements, to name a few.
Earn CE/CPD hours

Forum CIMA CE Library - over 75 CE hours
This subset of the full Forum CE Library features just those learning resources that are accredited for CIMA CE hours, so CIMA certificants can more easily find learning resources to meet their recertification obligation (at the same time as meeting the CE/CPD requirements of other governing bodies e.g. ASIC, APRA, FASEA, FMA, etc).
Earn CIMA CE hours


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We also let my LinkedIn network know as soon as we release new articles on and when registration opens for our face-to-face CE programs. If LinkedIn is more your thing than Twitter, I’d welcome you connecting. And of course, I’d welcome having an offline direct conversation with you any time.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

Highlight our upcoming live CE programs, and all of the complimentary on-demand CE-accredited resources published over recent months.

Led by behavioural finance expert, Herman Brodie, the Behavioural Finance - Investment Decision-Making course will help you identify, analyse and evaluate the principal human preferences that influence decision-making in situations of uncertainty, so you can recognise and identify these preferences in others, to improve investment decision-making.