Private Equity is becoming a more widely available asset class. However, like any asset class, it has its nuances and risks. A key area of complexity is fees. Some seemingly minor differences in fee structure can make a material difference to total fees paid.

To say a lot has changed since I spoke to you back in February at Markets Summit 2020 is an incredible understatement. Between now and Markets Summit in February 2021, I'm going to be watching three things.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the fundamentals of investment philosophies and styles.

For investors needing more from their fixed income allocation, global convertible bonds offer a whole new world of opportunity.

Arnaud Brillois | 0.50 CE

Decarbonisation and data growth will dominate every aspect of our lives for decades to come. If your infrastructure manager isn’t leveraging off these themes then you need to find a new one.

Jeremy Anagnos | 0.50 CE

In the past, ESG considerations were seen as a choice or a preference but, going forward, they are increasingly becoming a necessity in the evaluation of investment opportunities in a whole new world!

Michael LaBella | 0.50 CE

The tech-wreck of the early 2000s was ground zero for the birth of a succession of Australian technology companies that have disrupted markets and established themselves as global leaders.

Dushko Bajic | 0.50 CE

Incumbent investment frameworks such as Value, Shorting, Passive and Index Aware strategies are failing. Going forward, successful investors will need to be extremely selective when allocating capital.

Traditional business models will increasingly be challenged. To win, companies will need to spend for the future and investors will need to take a longer term view to define ‘value’.

Nick Griffin | 0.50 CE

Post Covid-19, Australian company dividends were cut by 30% overall but it is still possible to achieve 5% cash yields with up to 2% franking credits from a well constructed portfolio.

Don Hamson | 0.50 CE

The Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating pre-existing consumer trends. The new world winners will be those businesses which focus on culture and purpose, and which aspire to make a positive difference.

Investors should not attempt to time, but rather allocate to well-diversified and balanced multi-factor portfolios and provide consistent exposure to targeted factors.

Simon Lansdorp | 0.50 CE

Covid has accelerated tech adoption on an unprecedented scale and while the winners have been broad, not all are equal. Short-term investors with simple valuation techniques are missing the bigger picture.

Scott Berg | 0.50 CE

Unlike ESG investing, impact investing accelerates the allocation of capital to solve the world’s climate and social challenges.

Stephen Fitzgerald | 0.50 CE

Driven by Covid-19, 2020 saw economics 101 meet market psychology. Today, fear and greed set up a rich opportunity set on long and short sides.

Andrew Clifford | 0.50 CE

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the characteristics and analysis of options, futures and other derivative investments.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the characteristics and analysis of debt investments.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the characteristics and use of alternative assets in multi-asset portfolios.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the on the the definitions and characteristics and the use of real assets in multi-asset portfolios.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the principles of equity securities and analysis.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the principles of fund manager search and selection as it relates to identifying quality managed investments for possible inclusion in portfolios.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the features, uses and applications of different types of managed investment vehicles.

Now in its 19th year, Portfolio Construction Forum Strategies Conference has gained a reputation as THE portfolio construction strategies conference of the year. This year's theme is "It's a whole new world!". Covid-19 is disrupting societies, economies, and markets around the world like no other crisis since World War II. Strategies Conference 2020 will challenge and refresh your portfolio construction thinking as we debate the contemporary and emerging portfolio construction strategies that will help us build better quality investor portfolios in a whole new world!

One of the most important tasks for any decision-maker is to continuously stress-test assumptions and mark-to-market their hypotheses as to how the future will unfold. Let's "nowcast" a little.

This lecture instructs IMAC candidates on the statistics used to describe and analyse the risk and return characteristics of securities and portfolios.

The Investment Management Research Program is the academic research unit of Portfolio Construction Forum, the specialist, independent provider of portfolio construction continuing education, accreditation and certification services in Australia and NZ. The IMR Program aims to advance investment management research by curating courses, workshops and symposia focused on the spectrum of issues involved in designing and building investment portfolios.

Despite difficult times in recent years, momentum has been the factor that has generated the highest returns over the past 50 years. Three new papers on the topic take us into largely new territory and improve our understanding on how markets operate.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

One of the touted benefits of hedge funds is that they provide returns that are largely uncorrelated with other risky assets. In practice, hedge funds returns are highly correlated to equity markets during downturns - when it matters.

The 2020s must be a "decade of action". By harnessing the disruptive potential of fintech, we can create a fairer, more inclusive financial system that propels sustainable development everywhere.

A year ago, I showed it's possible to measure prediction accuracy for active managers, and that it influences optimal portfolio construction. Is this still a valid approach to portfolio construction, given today's markets?

The funds management industry has spawned a lot of gurus. This research paper looks at whether market forecasters are any good at what they do.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

The impact fixed income market is becoming more diverse in terms of currencies, issuers and ratings, delivering mainstream returns but with impact.

Established in 2016, Finology Summit is THE behavioural finance ("fin") and investment psychology ("ology") program of the year. The 1.5-day, face-to-face and online learning program is designed and curated by our specialist, experienced and independent team and features an exceptional Faculty of experts from around the world. Each offers his/her best high conviction ideas on behavioural finance and/or investor psychology, and the investment implications.

Low inflationary outcomes and very low interest rates are expected to remain in place for some time. REITs have resisted the attraction of cheap credit and will continue to provide a safe haven.

Stephen Hayes | 0.50 CE

Innovative firms spend their money on research and long-term investment, rather than on share buy-backs and paying out dividends. To benefit, investors must think in decades.

Established in 2009, Markets Summit has gained a reputation as THE investment markets scene setter of the year. The jam-packed, one-day, face-to-face and online learning program is designed and curated by our specialist, experienced and independent team and features our Faculty of 25+ leading investment thinkers from around the world. Each offers his/her best high conviction ideas on the key drivers of and outlook for the markets (on a three- to five-year view) – with particular emphasis on being alert to high VUCA risks and opportunities ahead.