There's much to learn from history, but every time is different when it comes to markets. The backdrop for investing will require investors to identify how the outlook today intersects with our experiences of the past and where it differs.

Ronald Temple | 0.50 CE

This economic cycle will mean revert to a traditional business cycle - a cycle that may not exactly repeat but will rhyme with prior inflation cycles. Opportunities exist in global bonds in 2024 and 2025 no matter hard or soft landing outcomes.

Jack McIntyre | 0.50 CE

Second term presidents tend to be more ideologically aggressive, since they are freed from the need to face voters again. Investors globally need to think through the implications of a second term for either candidate.

Libby Cantrill | 0.50 CE

While investors need to be mindful of the potential risks posed by different stress events, they should largely ignore macro and geopolitical predictions when it comes to selecting companies to invest in. The discussion covered a range of investment topics, from inflation predictions to niche equity opportunities in mid-cap and emerging markets

David Allen | 0.50 CE

Equity valuations are at attractive levels for most emerging markets but the lack of interest in emerging markets in general has led to extraordinarily attractive valuations.

Joseph Lai | 0.50 CE

Despite outpacing traditional fixed income and even exceeding long-run equity returns, some commentators argue that Private Credit represents emerging systemic risk. That is a fundamental misunderstanding.

Frank Danieli | 0.50 CE

Investors should explore opportunities beyond the ASX20, focusing instead on the Ex-20 index which provides exposure to Australia's future rather than its past.

Dion Hershan | 0.50 CE

Three investment experts offer and debate their high conviction thesis on a long-term, deep rooted structural change impacting markets over a decade or more.

There's no such thing as "normal" for supply chains. The challenges for 2024 and 2025 that echo the past include logistics network disruptions, geopolitical risks and the cash costs of environmental policies - which make investing in supply chain security more important than ever.

Chris Rogers | 0.25 CE

Global REITs have been overwhelmed by the rapid rise in interest rates, headlines about the demise of the office, and concerns over bank lending to commercial real estate. However, history is not repeating. The industry is in strong shape.

Andrew Parsons | 0.50 CE

Market cycles show there is a clear anomaly in the Senior Secured Loans space with record setting yields and compelling risk-adjusted returns.

Gerard Fogarty | 0.50 CE

History shows investors should always expect the unexpected – which simply underscores the benefits of adding private debt to a portfolio.

Andrew Tremain | 0.50 CE

For the last two decades, private equity has consistently outperformed the public market, through market cycles and with less volatility. In 2023, private equity continued to show superior returns in the mid-market. Looking forward, the outlook for is stronger.

Justin England | 0.50 CE

Australia's residential vacancy rate is at a record low and net overseas migration at a record high. But, the banks can no longer participate in the market like they used to, providing greater opportunity for real estate private credit.

Mark Power | 0.50 CE

Higher than desired inflation is now structurally embedded in the global economy. The boom-bust inflation cycle of the 1970s gives a useful historical parallel, providing investors insight into the coming decade.

William Curtayne | 0.50 CE

The technology sector has now eclipsed its all-time high relative to the S&P 500, exceeding its bubble highs. So this begs the question – is this a bubble and what is the risk of another tech wreck?

Alan Pullen | 0.50 CE

With heightened global geopolitical risks, reduced fiscal support from governments, a deflating Chinese property bubble, and an ongoing US commercial real estate crisis, 2024 is a year for investors to be nimble and tactical.

Jonathan Pain | 0.50 CE

Our diverse panel of experts debated the high conviction propositions they heard during Markets Summit 2024 and the portfolio construction implications.

Markets Summit 2024 "History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes!" helped delegates better understand the key drivers of and outlook for the markets, and the opportunities and risks ahead on a three- to five-year view, to aid their search for return and to help them build better quality investor portfolios.

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Led by behavioural finance expert, Herman Brodie, the Behavioural Finance - Investment Decision-Making course will help you identify, analyse and evaluate the principal human preferences that influence decision-making in situations of uncertainty, so you can recognise and identify these preferences in others, to improve investment decision-making.