138 results found

Financial decisions are among the most important life-shaping decisions we make. Two recent research papers provide further evidence as to how practitioners can help improve clients' financial decisions.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Sharpe proposed that active investing must be a losing pursuit in aggregate. This paper takes a critical look at that proposition, and whether it is worthwhile considering using active fund managers.

Geoff Warren | 1.00 CE

Are markets efficient? Recent research suggests not, finding media impacts information dissemination, and mispricing explains the value premium.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Financial regulators have been reluctant to dish out jail terms. A new research paper finds that prison terms can be a cost-effective governance mechanism. A second paper gauges the impact of self-control on investment behaviour.

Ron Bird | 2 comments | 1.00 CE

This hypothetical Investment Committee considers three relevant, forward-looking economic and market scenarios which have a reasonable probability of occurring during the next two to three years.

Expert Panel | 1.00 CE

The decade since the GFC has been a challenging period for value style equity investing. Not surprisingly, investors are questioning the value of value investing.

Expert Panel | 1.00 CE

To succeed within the ever-shifting context in which investment decisions are made, investors should adopt a multi-lens approach. Context matters, and siloed thinking can be detrimental.

What strategy should a rational investor, completely free of constraints, take to preserve wealth while making modest long-term gains? To do so will not be easy over the next two decades.

Woody Brock | 1 comment | 1.00 CE

Two recent research papers explore the impact of investors' increasing appetite for environmentally responsible investments.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Research finds that SRI funds perform as well as conventional funds, ESG equity investing has outperformed in the US, and controversial stocks do best in crises.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Climate change has moved faster than most thought possible. There will be exciting investment opportunities in companies focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Jeremy Grantham | 1.00 CE

A recent paper looks at the impact of passive investing on market stability; a second describes shades of alpha for active and index investing. A third reviews luck and portfolio rebalancing outcomes.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Most of us use funds in clients' portfolios. Three new research papers look at what differentiates fund managers, highlighting factors we probably never considered important.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Two recent papers provide timely insights on the market impact of behaviour that is detrimental to corporate reputation, and the impact of ever-growing passive investing on behaviour within organisations.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Practitioners need to know what words to use and lose - and be able to apply that knowledge - to improve their conversations with clients about fees, regulations and investment strategies.

Gary DeMoss | 1.50 CE

Individuals live as part of a broader system of interconnected networks and relationships. There are advantages - for you and for them - in thinking about the client as part of a family dynamic.

Joanne Earl | 1.00 CE

Helping clients is about more than just educating them as to the right decision, it's also about helping them to actually take action.

Michael Kitces | 1.50 CE

Behavioral diagnostics represent the cutting edge in understanding clients, detecting what clients reveal about themselves through their decisions.

Pat Spenner | 1.00 CE

Helping clients is about more than just educating them as to the right decision, it's also about helping them to actually take action.

Michael Kitces | 0.75 CE

The Big Five personality traits offer insights into the behavioural headwinds (or tailwinds) clients might encounter in achieving their financial goals, and the most effective way of dispensing advice to them.

Herman Brodie | 1.00 CE