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The use by financial advisers of derivatives in portfolios - primarily for downside protection - is growing in Australia but not here in New Zealand. That may change with plans by the NZX to launch new products in 2013...

The Financial Markets Authority has been busy. In the last month, it has announced the Trans-Tasman mutual recognition of financial advisers as well as releasing a guidance note on giving KiwiSaver advice. financialalert spoke with advisers, researchers and industry associations about what the changes mean to advisers...

Over the short term, forecasting equity returns is nearly impossible - but over longer terms, forecasting can be done with some degree of confidence, according to AMP Capital's Keith Poore. He's going to walk advisers through how to do just that, at the IFA 2012 Conference this month...

This heading is THE question being asked within the depths of the Financial Markets Authority's guidance note on the Sale and Distribution of KiwiSaver. And, it does appear that RFAs may be able to advise those going into KiwiSaver after all...

With global equities failing to impress over the past decade, real money might be better made closer to home, according to Andrew Bascand, managing director and portfolio manager with Harbour Asset Management. Bascand gave financialalert an insight into what he'll be speaking about at next month's IFA 2012 Conference.

It's one thing to help a client plan for retirement, but quite another to plan a retirement fund for a nation. Adrian Orr, CEO of the New Zealand Superannuation Fund, gave financialalert a sneak preview of the issues he'll be covering when he opens next month's IFA 2012 Conference...

The debate around active versus passive managed equity funds provoked lively discussion at last month's PortfolioConstruction Forum Symposium in Auckland. For this follow up feature, financialalert asked proponents of both approaches why they choose the strategy they do. One thing they all had in common is a strong belief in their position...

More than a year after the proposed fees and levies for financial advisers were announced, advisers finally have clarity about how much they'll have to pay for being regulated. But the end outcome came as a surprise to industry leaders.

Politics are messy. Reforms have stalled. The economy is slowing. Some question whether India's economic miracle is over.

Statements of advice are one of the more onerous requirements for financial advisers under the new regulatory regime. Code Standards 9 and 12 now mandate advisers must provide written information to clients regarding personalised services. With very little guidance from the regulator on how to go about this, financialalert asked some advisers what they're doing to comply and how they're going about writing financial plans...

In this second part of our two-part feature on adapting to the new regulatory reality, we look at what to tell clients about investing, how pedantic advisers need to be with record keeping, and what the Financial Markets Authority is doing to educate consumers.

Regulation has forever changed the way advisers and their businesses operate - but has it changed the marketplace for advice? In the first of this two-part feature, financialalert spoke with several practices about how they've adapted to the new reality, what effects regulation has had on their bottom line, and where clients are coming from these days...

Is gold a good means of diversification? Is it a hedge against inflation and currency depreciation? Or is the last decade an anomaly?

In this second feature in our series, financialalert spoke with a major fixed income provider, an Authorised Financial Adviser assessor, various AFAs and our own publisher about how advisers should consider the use of debt in portfolios...

Woody is one of the world's leading economic thinkers. He view is that China is the worst case of currency manipulation in history.

The way investment advisers think about debt within portfolios has changed over recent years given the demise of finance companies and of the ING CDO/CLO fund failures. In the first of a two-part feature, financialalert asked advisers and product providers what debt instruments should feature in portfolios, and what role they should play...

Fees and levies on advisers under the new regulatory environment were due to be established in May 2010. But nearly two years on, advisers still don't know how much they'll be paying. We asked the Ministry of Economic Development for an update...

While we tend to focus on sharp market crashes, sudden declines that recover quickly within just a year or few are not necessarily problematic. What is far more destructive are extended periods of mediocre returns...

Communicating with clients in an effective and economical way can be tricky - especially when the news might not be crash hot. financialalert spoke with communications experts working with advisers on both sides of the Tasman about the frequency, content and types of contact advisers should be having, and the growing use of social media...

Helping clients understand portfolio risk is one of the most difficult challenges faced by advisers. Following on from my previous blog in which I looked at how often a portfolio might be falling, recovering and rising, now we turn to showing investors how often and over what periods falls might occur, how deep they might be, and how long the portfolio might take to recover...