1585 results found

Fodder kicks off with a unique insight from Peter Lilley on how BREXIT will play out. UTSProf Ron Bird disagrees with Paul Keating on first-home buyers using their super to get a foot on the property ladder. Yale's Stephen Roach argues that, yet again, the Western perspective has missed the Chinese context when it comes to growth. Charles Dallara explains Trump will have a bumpy first half year as he learns the ropes of navigating the US political system and we share details of the newly formed Investment Management Research Program, an initiative between the Forum and UTS Business School that will continue to enhance the breadth and depth of our CE and certification programs.

The IMR Program Workshop 2017 (30 March) has been assessed and accredited by PortfolioConstruction Forum for CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

The farrelly's User Group 2017 has been assessed and accredited by PortfolioConstruction Forum for Forum CE hours. These can be used to help meet the CE/CPD requirements of 15 regulators, associations, institutes and designations – including ASIC RG104/105/146 requirements and CIMA certificants’ CE commitment. Delegates must attest their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

Dr Woody Brock leads this week with an exclusive 15-minute video in which he debunks the myth that our living standards have declined. Berkeley Professor Eichengreen explains what "an impatient [US] president, frustrated and hemmed in on all sides" is likely to do. Michael Kitces argues that every retirement income strategy needs to address three key questions to satisfy our intrinsic (illogical) "hierarchy of retirement needs". Will Jackson covers demography specialist Richard Jackson's insights on how ageing in the developed world is increasing the risk of social upheaval in the developing world. And, we bring you Ron Temple's top five-rated presentation on why "the winds of change" sweeping through the markets are stronger than you think.

Dr Woody Brock leads this week with an exclusive 15-minute video in which he debunks the myth that our living standards have declined. Berkeley Professor Eichengreen explains what "an impatient [US] president, frustrated and hemmed in on all sides" is likely to do. Michael Kitces argues that every retirement income strategy needs to address three key questions to satisfy our intrinsic (illogical) "hierarchy of retirement needs". Will Jackson covers demography specialist Richard Jackson's insights on how ageing in the developed world is increasing the risk of social upheaval in the developing world. And, we bring you Ron Temple's top five-rated presentation on why "the winds of change" sweeping through the markets are stronger than you think.

It is time to properly account for risk characteristics of client’s most valuable asset - their human capital. This isn’t easy to implement and places practitioners in a difficult situation...

Moshe Milevsky | 1.00 CE

Research suggests we mentally account for income and assets with an intrinsic hierarchy of priorities - a "hierarchy of retirement needs". So retirement income strategies should be reframed to answer three questions.

Requiring investment managers to perform relative to a benchmark, including imposing tracking error constraints, causes short-term'ism.

Contrary to popular belief, western living standards have not declined in recent decades. Rather, government statistics failed to capture a key element of real GPD growth.

Chris Watling returns to Fodder this week with a 10-minute video insight, Prof J Bradford DeLong compares society's overall wealth today to the Agrarian Age, Tim Farrelly debunks the notion that negative gearing is the driver of high property prices and Will Jackson sums up how Markets Summit delegates converted the Faculty's insights into four practical portfolio construction decisions. Finally we feature Martin Conlon's top-rated presentation from Markets Summit 2017 in which he argues how to reposition Australian equity portfolios to protect against the risk of higher inflation and interest rates.

Chris Watling returns to Fodder this week with a 10-minute video insight, Prof J Bradford DeLong compares society's overall wealth today to the Agrarian Age, Tim Farrelly debunks the notion that negative gearing is the driver of high property prices and Will Jackson sums up how Markets Summit delegates converted the Faculty's insights into four practical portfolio construction decisions. Finally we feature Martin Conlon's top-rated presentation from Markets Summit 2017 in which he argues how to reposition Australian equity portfolios to protect against the risk of higher inflation and interest rates.

In this week's Fodder, Tim Farrelly, Jonathan Pain's top-rated presentation from our recent Markets Summit 2017 program, Bob Gay, Prof Jeffrey Sachs, Michael Kitces and Derek Thurp.

In thinking about the future of growth, and the opportunities that continued growth will open up for all of humanity, we should reflect on how far we have come.

Markets Summit 2017 delivered 20+ high conviction ideas on how the winds of change are affecting the outlook for economies and asset classes - and delegates were asked to convert the insights into four fundamental portfolio construction decisions.

In this week's Fodder, Tim Farrelly, Jonathan Pain's top-rated presentation from our recent Markets Summit 2017 program, Bob Gay, Prof Jeffrey Sachs, Michael Kitces and Derek Thurp.

History indicates a reasonably graceful exit from ultra-low interest rates is possible - and that investors can weather the storm with the right strategy. Let's sort out which risks are worth worrying about and which are not.

Markets Summit 2017 featured a stellar lineup of international and local experts offering their best high conviction idea/thesis on the opportunities and risks ahead as the winds of change sweep through economies and asset classes - and the implications for portfolios.

Monte Carlo analysis is commonly used to evaluate retirement spending plans - but our cognitive and behavioural biases may interfere with proper interpretation of the results.

This week's Fodder features Prof Niall Ferguson's presentation from Markets Summit, Prof Ken Rogoff explaining why Trump can't afford to bully China. Our own Will Jackson has written up his key takeouts from Finology Summit, and Michael Furey looks at the evidence of a link between Australian economic growth and equity market returns. And finally, we feature the WEF's founder, Klaus Schwab, on the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on how we will live, work and relate with one another.

This week's Fodder features Prof Niall Ferguson's presentation from Markets Summit, Prof Ken Rogoff explaining why Trump can't afford to bully China. Our own Will Jackson has written up his key takeouts from Finology Summit, and Michael Furey looks at the evidence of a link between Australian economic growth and equity market returns. And finally, we feature the WEF's founder, Klaus Schwab, on the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on how we will live, work and relate with one another.