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In this second of our two-part feature on ageing and how advisers need to adapt for this growing client base, we take a closer look at the personal and demographic effects.

Gold's disappointing performance has been a topic of discussion at GaveKal. Most of us come down on the side of one of four possible explanations.

With 80% of financial planning recommendations not leading to action, we need a fundamental reappraisal of how to create plans that translate into action.

Central banks are likely to dominate investment news for years to come. Most of it will be noise. However, some of it will be critically important.

By 2031, 32% of the population will be 55 or over. Last month's second annual Finology Conference showed advisers just how complicated the ageing process is and how to adapt their service for this growing client base.

The new wave of jargon around financial planning should be a concern to us all. There is a very real risk that we will begin to lose sight of the good we do.

Significant demographic change is happening. To prepare the retirement readiness, the financial services industry needs to provide better advice and products.

The US debt debate cannot be blindly dismissed as a short-term issue. It will be navigated, but with no real solution - the ingredients are being put in place for higher bond yields.

Conventional wisdom is that retirees should reduce their equity exposure in retirement as their time horizon shortens - in reality, the ideal may actually be the exact opposite.

A simple answer you might think. But, when we posed this question to the expert panel at the recent Finology Conference, it quickly became evident that they would struggle with who to recommend.

A myriad of firms, institutions and individuals took part in the recent Money Week 2013. We talked with some of those involved to see where Kiwis are at in terms of financial literacy, money management and seeking financial advice.

Financial planning's "third wave" may well be a four-factor service model that places much greater emphasis on helping clients maximise their human capital, not just their financial capital.

So it was all a storm in a teacup. Markets have been going through a series of "taper tantrums” since Bernanke first mentioned the idea of tapering.

With the deadline passed for submissions on the proposed changes to the Code of Professional Conduct for AFAs, we asked the Code Committee Chair and some of those who made submissions, what their view is of the proposed changes.

Rather than being an alternative, social media is just another way to do networking and referral marketing. If you're struggling to dip your toe in social media, here's how to get started.

As a NZ delegate at the recent PortfolioConstruction Forum Conference in Sydney, here are the key pointsfor NZ advisers to take on board from this year's Lifecycle Investing theme - which should raise the priority of financial advice in clients' minds.

As people get older and live longer, mature and elderly clients are starting to make up a larger part of advisers' client bases - and they bring a lot more issues than just their finances.

I'm used to being alone and against consensus. I believe the next decade is going to see the strongest level of global economic growth anyone today has seen.

Of all the challenges for financial advisers, one of the most daunting is persuading clients to discuss their finances with family members.

The Fed will have to think of a new strategy to reopen the availability of credit - and that is a problem. At present, all routes of Bernanke's QE maze lead to the same exit - deflation.