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It's an regrettable reality that financial advice remains out of the reach of most people. financialalert looked at when it might be practical to advise someone without charging them a fee and the implications...

The FMA's latest AFA Monitoring Report makes interesting reading. The findings support our conclusion after our review of over 500 client files in the previous 12 months - that is, that many AFAs need to do a better job with Statements of Advice.

If you cannot answer that question clearly and quickly, you have a serious marketing problem. Frankly, if you can't answer that question in a meaningful way for a customer, then you probably don't deserve their business.

The financialalert Person of the Year 2012 has shown outstanding energy, commitment and professionalism as the first full year of the regulatory regime for the New Zealand financial advisory industry bedded in.

IFA and PortfolioConstruction Forum partner on professional development programs; Veteran financial adviser retires after 30 years; Regulator to undertake surveillance of research report providers

The traditional approach to the six-step financial advice process teaches advisers to be consultative - but moving to a more collaborative approach would help guard against being replaced by technology, online product sales and banks' standard offers.

The New Normal will "take you down" and lower expectations of future asset returns - maybe not "forever" but for a long, long time.

Going into 2013, I'm significantly more positive about the outlook for US growth, notwithstanding the fiscal cliff, while I think China will continue to to grow at around 7%.

Does retirement income public policy and the design of the super system need to move into a new direction?

I am not sure if this past week leaves us much the wiser regarding market issues, but here's my latest take...

Demographics, workforce and trends are changing fast - and creating opportunities for financial advisers who move with the times.

FMA investigating advisers with clients invested in Ross Asset Management; Disputes resolution scheme blew whistle on Ross Asset Management; Few investors favour "all you can eat" advice model.

Cloud technology could be the key to providing end-to-end, seamless financial advice. Much has been said about cloud technology, but very little has been explained its potential positive impact on financial advice.

Financial planner, financial adviser to be enshrined in law; Strategi Institute awarded highest NZQA rating...

All advisers know they should pay special attention to their top clients - the challenge is how. I suggest investing 20 minutes to create a four-age Client Opportunity Plan

The US GDP growth rate we've been used to for over a 100 years - in excess of 3% a year - is not just hiding behind temporary setbacks. It is gone forever.

Four key risks - the US fiscal cliff, EU debt crisis, global slowdown, and Middle East - are highly interconnected and yet to truly impact markets.

Just after I write on the improved economic news in China and the US, it turns less constructive. But not as bad as Japan. The outlook for the Yen is highly asymmetric.

Earlier this month, Tony Vidler called for SOAs to be no longer than four pages. But others see no problem with quite lengthy statements, as financialalert found out when it surveyed some advisers on how they interpret Code Standard 6's requirement to communicate "clearly, concisely, and effectively."

Top 10 concerns amongst advisers; AIS appoints new investment manager; Adviser summer school; William Blair enters Australia and NZ; Court ruling against S&P opens door for CDO lawsuits.