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CIMA Central helps you meet your obligation to complete and report a minimum of 40 hours of CE credit (including two ethics hours) every two years to maintain your CIMA certification.

You know it's time to worry when the conservative Republican chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations warns openly that Trump could start World War III.

This week's Fodder: Bob Gay - economic tools not keeping pace; Stiglitz - market economies can temper excesses of capitalism, globalisation; Will Jackson - portfolio rebalancing; Aaron Minney – retiree spending; Samantha Lamb - case for global credit

The Conexus Financial Research Forum 2017 (6 Dec 2017) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

Plenty of anecdotes suggest that baby boomers are spending their savings and will leave nothing for the next generation. Looking at the actual data, this is questionable.

The world has changed dramatically over the past three decades, but the analytical tools underpinning monetary policy haven't. The challenge is to develop new tools to fit the new world order.

In the last decade, investor interest in long-horizon outcomes was rare and when it prevailed, it was severely tested by events. The long-term was viewed as opaque and uncertain. It's amazing how attitudes change when new opportunities emerge.

In Fodder: Farrelly - the government's taxing ad; Kaletsky - equity markets more likely to rise; Rajan - welcome back long-term investing; Toohey - significantly faster wage growth ahead; Buenneke - shrinking global public equity market

The return of wage growth across the industralised world has significant implications for markets and central bank policy - and spells the end of the 30-year rally in bonds.

It is tempting to ask whether markets have entered a period of "irrational exuberance" and are heading for a fall. The answer is probably no.

"If it is earned here, it should be taxed here" is the title of the ad about laws on multinationals transferring profits offshore. What is interesting is the closing claim in the ad.

In Fodder this week: the first of a series of online "Philosophy Lectures". Linda Jakobson explains why China's ambitions to dominate the region will be thwarted. Jim O'Neill discusses oil prices. Charles Sampford, Jack Gray and Clare Payne weigh in on values and investing, and Charles Hamieh debunks the myths around the risk of investing in EM infrastructure.

While some still firmly believe that values and ethics have no part to play in investing, the tide is turning. Values play a vital role in investment and business decisions - and, increasingly, investors care about more than just financial returns.

The IMCA Seminar 8 2017 (22 November 2017) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

In Fodder this week: Why sovereign debt crises are now rarer than history would suggest; Dr Woody Brock clears up confusion around the Phillips Curve; behavioural biases creating opportunities to generate alpha; sustainability factors and investment outcomes; and a review of two academic papers on our personal values and professional ethics.

What influence do personal values have on our behaviour, as individuals? And how do those values interact with professional standards and ethics?

Will Jackson | 1.50 CE

For the past two centuries, a "double bust" (in commodities and capital flows) has led to a spike in sovereign defaults. Yet they have risen only modestly since the peak in commodity prices and global capital flows around 2011.

During the past three months, a salient topic of debate has been whether the so-called Phillips Curve is relevant in today's disinflationary environment. The debate is important to investors.

The Conexus Fiduciary Investors Symposium (13-15 Nov 2017) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Forum CE hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE acceditation.

A recent research paper that likens the three main retirement planning approaches to shapes provides an interesting way to think about three different retirement planning approaches. In the end, the best option may incorporate all three.