1585 results found

The 2012-2014 outlook for the Australian debt market, versus cash, the risks and opportunities, and portfolio construction implications...

The year 2011 saw modest earnings growth of 5% overwhelmed by price to earnings contraction of -15%. It would be hard to imagine that 2012 will be another similar year unless something major or unexpected occurs...

2011 was a disappointing year for equity markets in Asia ex-Japan, recording negative returns and underperforming the developed market peers - however the outlook for Asian equity markets in the short term (one year) and longer term (three years) is promising...

van Eyk awards A ratings to funds and ETFs; KiwiSaver FUM up 7.5% for quarter - the big get bigger; ANZ reviews Bonus Bonds portfolios; business confidence uptick; house affordability improves as median house price slips; adviser joins Plus4...

Kiwi AFAs who work in the UK pension transfer space may start receiving a lot of phone calls if a new law is passed in the UK which aims to ensure any QROPs scheme not obeying the rules loses its QROPS status - leaving investors in those schemes subject to a retrospective 55% tax claw-back. But, the real hook is that the legislation is retrospective back to 2006 when QROPS first began...

Kiwibank rating affirmed, Lombard trial enters final phase, SFO charges finance company directors, HFANZ proposes health insurance funding changes, Milford still top of KiwiSaver tables, Bollard to step down, FMA issues draft guide for offer docs, OCR stays at 2.5%, inflation down to 2%, FMA issues anti money laundering guide for advisers, GE Money settles claim, Sovereign A rating unchanged...

Investors need to major in three subjects to get asset allocation right in 2012 - plus, they would do well to study psychology.

With 2011 so frantic for most financial advisers, 2012 looks set to be an 'interesting' year. As the new regulatory environment has pretty much settled in, advisers are keen to get back to business, and back to basics. We asked industry leaders what 2012 will bring...

PIMCO founder and co-CIO, Bill Gross, has recently appending the even drearier modifier "minus" to his "new normal" moniker. He explains why, and the implications for those building portfolios...

2011 was a watershed year for the New Zealand financial advisory industry, as the regulation rubber hit the road. Our financialalert Person of the Year 2011 stood out for his enthusiastic, energetic leadership at a time when many advisers were struggling with the additional demands the introduction of regulation has brought as well as the challenging market environment...

We might wish our clients’ investment journeys will invariably be beautiful experiences - but we know that things will turn ugly from time to time. How do we prepare our clients for the ugly times? What do they need to know?

With regulation taking hold, many adviser practices are simply not as profitable to operate as they use to be - and some may be asking themselves if this is a good time to exit. But holding out for another five years may well pay off...

Most emerging countries were able to counter an economic slowdown in developed countries in 2008-09. Can this scenario be repeated?

Dushko Bajic, portfolio manager with Australian equities manager, Orion Asset Management, discusses the risk-on, risk-off trades that are rolling through the market, which stocks offer the best prospects, and the "expensive defensives" best avoided...

We asked the fund research houses - how much (if any) of an international equities allocation should be hedged, assuming a 10-year investment timeframe?

This Academy Seminar debates the following three topics in a Socratic learning environment: Investment fables - part 1; Scenarios and their investment implications - part 2; and, Hot topic: Greece is the word - but what are the investment implications?

Will the Euro exist in ten years? Why doesn't Germany leave the EMU? How will Euro confidence improve? What structural changes must occur in Australia? Do free markets work? Will QE3 actually help? Has the world reached the limits of GDP growth?

Conference 2011 helped delegates better understand the key macro AND micro issues and what they mean for investor portfolios. This Resources Kit features videos, presentations, papers and podcasts for the 36 sessions featuring more than 40 investment experts...

The Conference Masterclass is an optional one-day, classroom/workshop-style program presented by selected subject matter experts. The emphasis is on an active-learning environment featuring small, high-quality peer group interaction where in-depth Socratic debate and active discussion is encouraged (indeed, expected!).

This white paper contends that investment in emerging market sovereign debt continues to look attractive and investors should carefully consider adding emerging market sovereign bonds to their asset allocations and revisit the proportional weighting of the asset class as it continues to mature...