27 results found

If you cannot answer that question clearly and quickly, you have a serious marketing problem. Frankly, if you can't answer that question in a meaningful way for a customer, then you probably don't deserve their business.

What if the powers-that-be decide to change the rules such that every NZ adviser had to become an AFA not in three to five years as expected, but by December 2013? Would darkness descend on the industry? Or would it be a new dawn?

While the ideal length for a Statement of Advice is one page, a maximum of four should be sufficient for most advice, to most consumers, most of the time.

If we step back and consider risk in the context that risk management experts do, we can test the key issue - a client's capacity for absorbing different risk events.

This heading is THE question being asked within the depths of the Financial Markets Authority's guidance note on the Sale and Distribution of KiwiSaver. And, it does appear that RFAs may be able to advise those going into KiwiSaver after all...

One of the most worrying aspects of the best practice advice process for many advisers is trying to determine what is “good” advice – and therefore (the worrying part), what might be considered less than good?

Nobody should care how an adviser gets paid, other than the customer. This is not another piece on which type of remuneration is best - it is about the most significant regulatory debate happening in the developed world today and why AFAs have nothing to fear from it...