2743 results found

Australian shares and listed property trusts have outperformed residential investment property over 10 years ending 31 December 2004, according to the latest ASX Investments Report…

Australian superannuation funds allocate more to private equity than their European counterparts, and are poised to increase their offshore private equity investment…

Distressed debt is one asset type beloved of hedge funds. There are four distinct types of distressed debt, and each carries unique risks and rewards, says Mercer Investment Consulting, warning that this event-driven style is not as homogenous as the definition indicates…

As the numbers of hedge funds on offer increases, the lines between hedge funds and traditional asset managers are fading. More traditional managers are establishing a presence in the market, writes Mercer Investment Consulting in its latest Hedge Funds newsletter…

Using agribusiness managed investment schemes in portfolio construction isn’t a new idea, and at this time of year, it is a downright popular strategy. Research house AAG has just released a number of “thinking points” for those considering including agribusiness offerings in an investment portfolio…

Rising interest rates and a resurgence in oil prices proved difficult headwinds for Australian superannuation funds in the March quarter, according to research released by Intech today…

In giving evidence to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services inquiry into Commonwealth Regulation of Property Investment Advice, the FPA expressed its concerns about the lack of effective regulation for property investment advice…

A few years back, Roger Gibson offered a very simple four-part matrix to help advisers determine what they believe about investing. Some commentators are now rethinking one quadrant which they used to reject out of hand...

Many advisers put their clients into absolute returns funds because they know intuitively that it is the right thing to do, says Professor Les Balzer. But until now, advisers had no real scientific reason to back up that intuition?

Strong financial performance can be directly linked to good corporate responsibility, according to new research by AMP Capital Investors. The research breaks new ground - although extensive research in this area has been carried out in North America and Europe very little has been undertaken in Australia…

Global property offers investors low volatility, attractive returns with a strong income component, and a low correlation with the returns from other asset classes, according to a recent research paper issued by Russell Investment Group…

Central bankers in several emerging countries are having to explain to politicians why they are hiking interest rates at a time financial continues remain favourable, says Pimco’s managing director, Mohamed El-Erian in Pimco’s latest Emerging Markets Watch

The real world of economics is very different to that of the text book economics. Pimco managing director, Paul McCulley gives his analysis of the prospective global prices for oil, currencies and retirement incomes, to make his point that considering economics without considering politics gives a view of a world that does not exist...

While it might be tempting, after two years of strong gains in equity markets, to conclude that we have returned to a world of double digit investment returns, the medium-term outlook remains for high single digit returns from equities, and low returns for bonds, warns Dr Shane Oliver, AMP Capital Investor’s chief economist and head of investment strategy…

With unlisted private equity companies comprising such a major part of the economy, it makes sense that they should form part of an investment portfolio as well...

Not all rules of thumb make sense, and one of the sillier ones in this industry is the way it labels assets as either growth or income…

The New Zealand Superannuation Fund has unveiled a significant shift in its strategic asset allocation and plans to significantly increase its allocation to alternative assets…

We asked Keith to look ahead 10 to 20 years, and explain to delegates at the recent 3rd Annual PortfolioConstruction Conference what big political, social and economic trends will impact on markets, and how they should position long-term portfolios now, for best results in the future…

Jonathan was our most popular presenter at the recent 3rd Annual PortfolioConstruction Conference, making it two years running that he’s lead the field of presenters in delegates’ esteem. This year, he premiered his latest portfolio construction thesis… when east meets west, the giant awakes…

We saved the best for last at the recent 3rd annual PortfolioConstruction Conference. Graham Rich, publisher of PortfolioConstruction Forum, led a panel of four investment 'gurus', as they debated and offered up their best best for 2005...