24 results found

The world today is an acceleration and escalation of the world that existed before Covid-19, rather than a whole new world. Broad, multidisciplinary thinking is essential.

In the past, ESG considerations were seen as a choice or a preference but, going forward, they are increasingly becoming a necessity in the evaluation of investment opportunities in a whole new world!

Michael LaBella | 0.50 CE

For investors needing more from their fixed income allocation, global convertible bonds offer a whole new world of opportunity.

Arnaud Brillois | 0.50 CE

Decarbonisation and data growth will dominate every aspect of our lives for decades to come. If your infrastructure manager isn’t leveraging off these themes then you need to find a new one.

Jeremy Anagnos | 0.50 CE

We are at the threshold of an epic bull market buoyed by the emerging Buenos Aires Consensus and desensitisation to Covid-19. But beware, inflation will eventually re-emerge.

Marko Papic | 0.50 CE

Incumbent investment frameworks such as Value, Shorting, Passive and Index Aware strategies are failing. Going forward, successful investors will need to be extremely selective when allocating capital.

The Covid-19 crisis has triggered a step change in policy, accelerated trends and transformed investment frameworks. Opportunities will arise out of dislocation – but a more regional view is required.

Paras Anand | 0.50 CE

The tech-wreck of the early 2000s was ground zero for the birth of a succession of Australian technology companies that have disrupted markets and established themselves as global leaders.

Dushko Bajic | 0.50 CE

On 3 November, US voters go to the polls. The presidency will be determined once again by 14 swing states and six of them really matter.

Libby Cantrill | 0.50 CE

Post Covid-19, Australian company dividends were cut by 30% overall but it is still possible to achieve 5% cash yields with up to 2% franking credits from a well constructed portfolio.

Don Hamson | 0.50 CE

Traditional business models will increasingly be challenged. To win, companies will need to spend for the future and investors will need to take a longer term view to define ‘value’.

Nick Griffin | 0.50 CE

Post GFC, inflation risk skewed to the downside with central banks fighting against disinflation and deflation – and the market is potentially under-pricing inflation risks going forward.

Mark Kiely | 0.50 CE

While it may not be a new approach, ESG investing creates risk-aware portfolios that are more likely to outperform over the long term.

Dom Giuliano | 0.50 CE

The Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating pre-existing consumer trends. The new world winners will be those businesses which focus on culture and purpose, and which aspire to make a positive difference.

Understanding what has really changed in people's values as a result of Covid-19 and the influence of emotions will prepare us for the increasingly polarised economic, geopolitical, social and environmental new world order.

Investors should not attempt to time, but rather allocate to well-diversified and balanced multi-factor portfolios and provide consistent exposure to targeted factors.

Simon Lansdorp | 0.50 CE

Since the early 1980s, developed market government bond yields have broadly been falling, with investors voicing concerns that the asset class offered little or no value. Continually, they have been proven wrong.

Martyn Simpson | 0.50 CE

Covid has accelerated tech adoption on an unprecedented scale and while the winners have been broad, not all are equal. Short-term investors with simple valuation techniques are missing the bigger picture.

Scott Berg | 0.50 CE

Unlike ESG investing, impact investing accelerates the allocation of capital to solve the world’s climate and social challenges.

Stephen Fitzgerald | 0.50 CE

Driven by Covid-19, 2020 saw economics 101 meet market psychology. Today, fear and greed set up a rich opportunity set on long and short sides.

Andrew Clifford | 0.50 CE