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While pandemics are comparatively rare, and severe ones rarer still, I am not aware of a historical episode that can provide any insight as to the likely economic consequences of the unfolding global coronavirus crisis. This time truly is different.

This is a time to be buying not selling. Question marks remain as to how far this market will fall before it bottoms out. But what we do know is that valuations are attractive. The chances of long-term investors earning returns well in excess of Term Deposits over the next five to 10 years are very, very high.

COVID-19 threatens both medical and economic disaster. While it may be too late to avert a public-health crisis, unlike the medical effects of the virus, the economic impact is easy to predict and overcome.

Established in 2016, Finology Summit is THE behavioural finance ("fin") and investment psychology ("ology") program of the year. The 1.5-day, face-to-face and online learning program is designed and curated by our specialist, experienced and independent team and features an exceptional Faculty of experts from around the world. Each offers his/her best high conviction ideas on behavioural finance and/or investor psychology, and the investment implications.

US/China trade tensions and the coronavirus outbreak highlight that a VUCA world abounds. But this does not change long-term trends that make emerging markets ripe for investment.

Geoffrey Wong | 0.50 CE

To fully appreciate the risks and opportunities in a high VUCA environment, portfolio construction practitioners must adopt a mindful approach in order to adapt to unexpected events.

Established in 2009, Markets Summit has gained a reputation as THE investment markets scene setter of the year. The jam-packed, one-day, face-to-face and online learning program is designed and curated by our specialist, experienced and independent team and features our Faculty of 25+ leading investment thinkers from around the world. Each offers his/her best high conviction ideas on the key drivers of and outlook for the markets (on a three- to five-year view) – with particular emphasis on being alert to high VUCA risks and opportunities ahead.

The Investment Committee has organised for Portfolio Construction Forum to assess and accredit its events for CE/CPD hours which can be used to help meet the CE/CPD requirements of 16 governing bodies (regulators, associations and institutes) - including ASIC and FASEA requirements, to name a few.

I believe time allows signals to surface amidst the ubiquitous noise. In the spirit of the hit Fleetwood Mac song "Don't Stop" that urges a future focus, I offer this year's set of five-year-forward global predictions.

The disconnect between financial markets and the real economy is becoming more pronounced, as investors focus on the attenuation of some short-term tail risks, and on central banks' return to monetary-policy easing.

What's new with our continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

The Pinnacle "Portfolio Asset Allocation" Briefing 2019 (22 October 2019) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Continuing Education (CE/CPD) hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE accreditation.

The IMAP Portfolio Management Conference 2019 (22 Oct 2019) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Continuing Education (CE/CPD) hours. Delegates must confirm their attendance in order to receive CE accreditation.

Christine Lagarde will soon succeed Mario Draghi as president of the ECB. She is taking the reins at precisely the right moment for Europe to make the changes needed to avoid a second lost decade.

With bond prices going parabolic in the past few weeks, once again market participants are wondering whether the bond market is in a bubble.

In the increasingly intense strategic and economic competition between Washington and Beijing, it's naive to think Australia can just sit on the sidelines.

Expert Panel | 0.75 CE

Hindsight has taught us the importance of active core bond funds as an insurance policy and now is the time to consider expanding your investable universe as the secular need for income intensifies.

Rob Mead | 0.50 CE

The rise of intangible assets has created a new level of economic potential for successful businesses. For both growth and value investors, the nature of fundamental analysis must evolve to match an intangible world.

James Kim | 0.50 CE

A broader approach to retirement income, looking beyond yield and incorporating expected return and risk, means some income-generating assets should be excluded from retirement portfolios.

Michael Martel | 0.50 CE

Since the GFC, we have seen a re-emergence of the low growth world which persisted before the 1950s. Investment returns in the 2020s and beyond will be concentrated in a few winners with real earnings growth.

Mark Arnold | 0.25 CE