2 forum fodder 22
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The extreme thirst for yield has pushed the US high yield debt cycle into unchartered territory. It is approaching shakeout - with long/short opportunities amongst the beneficiaries of the current cycle.

China's credit-fuelled investment growth phase is reaching its end game and new sources of growth are needed to drive the economy.

In Fodder this week - Niall Ferguson, Dominic McCormick, Olivia Engel, James Lear, and Alex Wolf's Markets Summit presentation.

In Fodder this week - Niall Ferguson, Dominic McCormick, Olivia Engel, James Lear, and Alex Wolf's Markets Summit presentation.

Fodder leads with Professor Niall Ferguson, reflecting on the lessons history provides for those supporting "Brexit". Plus more from Marko Papic, Wade Pfau, Bob Gay, & Rob Mead.

Fodder leads with Professor Niall Ferguson, reflecting on the lessons history provides for those supporting "Brexit". Plus more from Marko Papic, Wade Pfau, Bob Gay, & Rob Mead.

Retirees and their pensions are being sacrificed for what now passes as "the greater good." ZIRP has created a massive problem for retirement savers and pension fund managers. NIRP will make their problem worse.

In Fodder this week - NIRP - is it the death knell for retirement? With Tim Farrelly, Woody Brock, John Mauldin, Joanne Earl, and Joanne Warner

In Fodder this week - NIRP - is it the death knell for retirement? With Tim Farrelly, Woody Brock, John Mauldin, Joanne Earl, and Joanne Warner

The worlds of business, investing, and sports are awash in numbers, yet we rarely pause to consider what makes for a suitable statistic.

Diversification, stats and unconventional monetary policy, with articles from Michael Kitces, Michael Mauboussin, Oliver Hartwich & Nouriel Roubini. Plus Bob Gay's presentation from Markets Summit 2016.

Diversification, stats and unconventional monetary policy, with articles from Michael Kitces, Michael Mauboussin, Oliver Hartwich & Nouriel Roubini. Plus Bob Gay's presentation from Markets Summit 2016.

In Fodder this week - Michael Furey, Robert Gay, Anatole Kaletsky, Oliver Hartwich, & Mugunthan Siva. Get invloved in the conversation & have your say!

In Fodder this week - Michael Furey, Robert Gay, Anatole Kaletsky, Oliver Hartwich, & Mugunthan Siva. Get invloved in the conversation & have your say!

In the last 10 years, many companies from emerging economies have closed the corporate governance gap relative to their developed market counterparts. Such companies find themselves in a sweet spot.

This week, we start with two seemingly diametrically opposed views on the impact of sequencing risk and how to manage it, from Tim Farrelly and Michael Kitces. Plus Chris Watling, Oliver Hartwitch & Moshe Milevsky.

This week, we start with two seemingly diametrically opposed views on the impact of sequencing risk and how to manage it, from Tim Farrelly and Michael Kitces. Plus Chris Watling, Oliver Hartwitch & Moshe Milevsky.

In Fodder NZ this week - Dom McCormick's view of annual investment outlooks, and the top 3 rated Markets Summit 21016 presentations, featuring Chris Watling, Hamish Douglass and Ron Temple

In Fodder this week - Dom McCormick's view of annual investment outlooks, and the top 3 rated Markets Summit 21016 presentations, featuring Chris Watling, Hamish Douglass and Ron Temple

In Fodder NZ this week - Chris Watling's key takeouts from Markets Summit 2016, plus Micahel Furey, Jonathan Pain, Anatole Kaletsky & Jacob Mitchell