858 results found

Private Equity pooled returns have been attractive while also less volatile than investing in a single fund or fund-of-funds. Enabling investors to "buy the private market" would complement portfolios just like in public markets.

Edward Talmor-Gera | 0.25 CE

Small Caps have underperformed large cap peers in recent times however cyclical factors today and a rebound in domestic risk sets up for the reemergence in Australian Smalls.

David Aylward | 0.50 CE

As professionals we need to stand with our clients and share our voice to ensure risk-aware approaches part of our investment landscape.

Anthony Golowenko | 0.50 CE

The Investing Roundtable explored key challenges and opportunities that practitioners should be thinking about when building quality multi-asset, multi-manager portfolios.

The young are better able to navigate VUCA owing to their natural growth and learning mindset. In an environment where investors can do anything, just not everything, we can all benefit from adopting a youth mindset.

Markets have undergone a regime shift - to prosper, we need to understand the factors that will be crucial to building multi-asset portfolios capable of delivering financial wellbeing in the years ahead.

Steve Hanke | 0.50 CE

Achieving equity like returns with much lower risk and equivalent liquidity is the holy grail that is now on offer from high yield.

Paul Benson | 0.25 CE

Since central banks abandoned their ultra-loose monetary policies, currencies once again offer a source of investment returns, as well as portfolio diversification.

Razvan Remsing | 1.00 CE

While the US dollar's share of global foreign exchange reserves is in long-term decline, the currency's dominance will continue despite the rising risk of embedded inflation.

Woody Brock | 1 comment | 1.00 CE

As economies slow, fixed income will once again provide portfolio diversification, allowing practitioners to focus on capturing long-term trends such as climate change and artificial intelligence.

Chris Iggo | 0.25 CE

As we move into an era which is both more inflationary and more volatile, asset allocators will need to adapt in order to deliver returns. A dynamic and unconstrained approach to asset allocation will become essential.

Fiona Ker | 1 comment | 0.25 CE

The authors of this paper propose that it's not just confirmation bias, but the way it interacts with a specific set of fundamental beliefs that generates a surprisingly wide array of bias effects.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

The bulk of the research on sustainable investing has concentrated on returns. These two papers look beyond that to whether investors are so committed to sustainability that they will continue to invest irrespective of returns or fees.

Ron Bird | 2.00 CE

Active management has consistently delivered outperformance in small companies as the opportunity set allows managers to demonstrate both stock selection and portfolio construction skill.

Andrew Mouchacca | 0.25 CE

The most recent evolution in index investing has been a drift into the active world. Until recently, active passive investing has not been subject to much analysis. The two papers considered here begin to make some inroads.

Ron Bird | 2.50 CE

Confidence in a sea of confusion is key to success. Using three tools of persuasion, we can create a sense of certainty even when who knows what is just around the corner.

Adam Ferrier | 0.50 CE

Decision attribution analysis provides a crucial lens on equity manager skill, benefiting asset owners and fund buyers as they select and monitor managers.

Clare Flynn Levy | 0.50 CE

Investors today have more knowledge than any prior generation, however there remains a chasm between knowing and doing. Acknowledging we are all biased, because we are all human, is the first step to better decisions.

David Wanis | 0.25 CE

ESG investment is coming under increasing criticism, some valid - but the real problem is the ill-defined use of the acronym itself and we will all be better off if we stop using it.

Tom King | 0.50 CE

CRE Debt provides dependable returns, backed by real property first mortgages. On a risk-adjusted return basis, every balanced portfolio should include an allocation to CRE debt.

Patrick Keenan | 0.50 CE