828 results found

Target date funds first became popular as a MySuper option. Leaving aside whether target date funds are a good idea in the first place, what these two papers highlight is a lack of thought in their design.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Value investing proved to be successful strategy for nearly a century, before experiencing one of its worst performance periods in the last few years. These two papers examine whether implementation or low interest rates are the culprit.

Ron Bird | 1 comment | 1.00 CE

While the retirement income system is designed to accommodate all individuals, the real test is its adequacy for the poor. These two papers address this issue for both Australia and the US.

Ron Bird | 1.00 CE

Finology Benchmarking Indices will help you benchmark your investing biases, beliefs and behaviours vs peers, to further empower your client care and practice knowledge and skills.

0.50 CE

Emotions are an important influence on financial decision-making and investing. These three papers explore how emotional regulation strategies influence decision-making under risk and uncertainty, and the link to financial success.

Rob Hamshar | 2 comments | 1.00 CE

Investors rely on both their competence and confidence to make investment decisions. The overconfidence effect is sometimes dubbed the "mother of all biases".

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

These two papers provide useful insights into how investors' attitudes and behaviours evolve over time, and how our beliefs are distorted if we experience positive or negative prior returns.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

Even armed with objective probabilities to help decision-making, people often add their own subjective "weights". Two papers explain this "probability weighting" and how it affects investment decisions.

Rob Hamshar | 1.00 CE

The farrelly's Dynamic Asset Allocation Handbook (Mar 2021) has been assessed and accredited by Portfolio Construction Forum for Continuing Education (CE/CPD) hours. Subscribers must complete a CE Quiz to receive CE/CPD accreditation.

Our diverse panel debated which of the high-conviction propositions they heard at Markets Summit 2021 resonated most strongly, which they disagreed with most - and the portfolio construction implications.

Expert Panel | 0.75 CE

Those who cling to yesterday’s narrative may forego one of the great trades of recent decades as the world shifts to a "global reopening" narrative and away from one of "secular stagnation".

Julian McCormack | 0.50 CE

Often underrepresented in investor portfolios due to concerns around liquidity, private equity investing with a truly hands-on approach allows active investors to maximise their capital growth potential.

David Leslie | 0.50 CE

Rather than accepting lower returns for liquidity, investors should go back to the drawing board and re-assess their need for daily liquidity.

Pete Robinson | 0.50 CE

The energy transition has the potential to be as transformative for the world economy and geopolitical landscape as the digital revolution has been since the 1980s.

Chris Iggo | 0.50 CE

With the official cash rate near zero, it's time to head back to the drawing board to find a more consistent source of income. Private debt provides a compelling alternative source of income in a portfolio.

Andrew Lockhart | 0.50 CE

De-carbonisation, company management and ESG scrutiny are diminishing the influence of commodity prices on resources alpha generation. If long term sentiment begins to turn, there is significantly more value to be found in the resources sector.

Nick Pashias | 0.50 CE

The 60/40 balanced portfolio needs to be “stretched” or redesigned, to mitigate the impact of low yields on overall portfolio risk and return. Investors need to make their equity allocation work harder and consider new diversifiers.

Thomas Poullaouec | 0.50 CE

Fiscal stimulus and the vaccine have fuelled an extraordinary rally in equities - but, ultimately, stocks are at record highs because of extraordinarily low market interest rates. Investors should be wary of inflation, but also of being underweight equities.

Arvid Streimann | 0.50 CE

Covid-accelerated trends - including digitalisation, geopolitical tension and the impact of ESG on the cost of capital - are structural and divergence within equity markets could increase.

Crispin Murray | 0.50 CE

Supply chain decision makers must continue to focus on mitigating risk in 2021, not maximising growth. Political risks outbalance opportunities.

Chris Rogers | 0.50 CE