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While the US dollar's share of global foreign exchange reserves is in long-term decline, the currency's dominance will continue despite the rising risk of embedded inflation.

Woody Brock | 1 comment | 1.00 CE

While a severe hurricane for the global economy looks less likely than it did a few months ago, we are still likely to encounter a tropical storm that could cause significant economic and financial damage.

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Until the early 1950s, investing was an art. Then, along came the publication of work undertaken by Harry Markowitz (1952). Over a 20-year period, this played the primary role in moving investing from an art to a science.

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Highlight our upcoming live CE programs, and all of the complimentary on-demand CE-accredited resources published over recent months.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

We should never let rules of thumb override financial fundamentals, but there are times when fundamentals become quite hazy. Recent inflation data suggests that we are in such a period right now.

These tutorials relate are available to CIMA candidates currently studying for the global CIMA Certification Exam.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

Investors today have more knowledge than any prior generation, however there remains a chasm between knowing and doing. Acknowledging we are all biased, because we are all human, is the first step to better decisions.

David Wanis | 0.25 CE

The energy transition represents the greatest economic opportunity since the industrial revolution. Reliably capturing the potential and delivering tangible environmental impact requires three core beliefs.

David Costello | 0.50 CE

Finology Summit will help you grow your knowledge and understanding of the "human factors" – beliefs, behaviours and principles – that influence portfolio construction, to help you build better quality investor portfolios. The focus of this year's program is "Uncertainty". Designed and curated by our specialist, experienced and independent team, the program features an exceptional Faculty of experts from around the world, each offering a high conviction perspective on a facet of investment uncertainty and/or certainty.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

In a wide-ranging speech last week, Janel Yellen reversed the terms of US engagement with China, prioritising national-security concerns over economic considerations.

What's new with our live and on-demand continuing education, accreditation and certification programs.

This Research Roundtable focused on the Ruffer Total Return International (Australia) strategy, with senior practitioners deciding, after briefings, Q&A and debate, their individual rating for the strategy and whether to include it on a hypothetical APL and/or multi-manager portfolios. Afterwards, the meeting is truncated and published for on-demand viewing by all Forum members.

2.00 CE