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financialalert asked the heads of four financial adviser bodies about their plans for 2014, and what they will have on offer for advisers in the coming months.

There is a broad acceptance that Bernanke's monetary policy helped stave off another global depression. But the final verdict on unconventional monetary policy remains years away.

Breaking Unconventional Monetary Policy is not an asymmetric outcome - it is like 50 shades of grey, whips included, particularly for emerging markets.

Change is stirring and markets do not like uncertainty. Breaking Unconventional Monetary Policy is a catalyst for slower economic growth and deflation - market volatility will only increase in 2014.

Breaking Unconventional Monetary Policy is going to prove too hard to achieve. Central Banks will run scared of their political masters; QE or an equivalent will recommence.

The US economy made substantial progress in 2013. The economic outlook for 2014 appears promising -and the US equity market can continue to appreciate.

Will QE ruin retirement? Looking back at the risks inflation has presented in the past helps us look forward to the potential consequences.

Those financialalert spoke to nominated a variety of issues for our annual "the good, the bad and the ugly" roundup - and for what advisers should be doing over the break to prepare for 2014.

It is that time of the year where practitioners think in detail about the year ahead - most are hoping for that big "break through" year. You just need to focus on the right TASKS.

Come Christmas, there will no longer be any annuity product providers in New Zealand. Fidelity is pulling out, citing lack of demand. But a new player is hoping to set up in 2014.

The Santa myth can teach financial advisers a lot about the three levels of trust in the adviser-client relationship.

Our Forum Fodder e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams.

Across the ditch, Australia's Productivity Commission has recommended a jump in the entitlement age for superannuation to 70. We spoke to Kiwi academics and financial advisers about the likely future of NZ Super.

We are introducing three new investment scenarios for 2014 - our base case, Low for Longer; our bull case Growth Breakout, and our bear scenario, Imbalances Tip Over.

Today's long period of very easy money and very low yields has distorted the financial system. This will cause unintended consequences in the near future as QE ends.

Our Forum Fodder e-newsletter alerts Members to what's new on PortfolioConstruction.com.au and live progams. This week - Woody Brock, Tim Farrelly, Simon Mawhinney and David Whitten

Why bother to get your CFP designation when AFA is the regulator's standard? Simple - 68% of CFP professionals generate higher revenues than those without certification.

Is the simplest smart beta approach just repackaging old investment ideas in higher fee structures?

For some clients, even achieving their goals is unsatisfying. Research suggests that financial planners could go a long way in helping clients to really derive more happiness from their money.

We have not achieved visibility in professional standards - we have achieved obscurity. That must change if we are to achieve public confidence as a profession.