When seeking exposure to the energy transition, investors typically think of wind and solar farms, and hydrogen and battery production. But the best risk/reward energy transition opportunities can be found elsewhere.

As risks related to over-indebted governments, the Russia-Ukraine war and Brexit fuel instability in Europe, the opportunity set for private credit investors is growing.

The fact that structural changes do exist and that historical data are often of limited relevance presents a major opportunity for investors seeking to outperform others.

Artificial intelligence will revolutionise our lives - but investors should beware the lofty multiples being assigned to AI-related stocks. We are in a replay of the dotcom bubble.

We are living in the middle of a major societal shift towards not just the use of, but the reliance, dependence and advancement of our lives being built on technology that seeks to emulate us, mimic us and envelope us.

AI has been described as important a lever for detaching economic growth from population growth as the steam engine. Companies that don't use AI to remake their business simply don't have a place in today's portfolios.

Alex Pollak | 0.25 CE

Three gigantic, global, interconnected risks have the potential to upend the world as we know it. Investors who understand these will be better positioned to successfully navigate the uncertainty plaguing our world.

In the same way that Moneyball has swept every professional sport, data science is bringing greater transparency to portfolio managers' decision-making skill. To select managers capable of outperforming, behavioural analysis is crucial.

At a time when "you can do anything", there are meaningful implications and opportunities for portfolio rebalancing and investors still structurally underweight bonds need to put aside recency bias and "do something" - now.

Rob Mead | 0.25 CE

Yield premium over comparable liquid markets, control, upfront economics and low historical volatility and default rates make private credit an asset class to consider for a core allocation in investors' portfolios.

Teiki Benveniste | 0.50 CE

As markets become narrow and expensive, core, growth and quality portfolios are converging. This presents risks for many portfolios but a great opportunity for valuation-focused investors.

Warryn Robertson | 0.50 CE

Every day, every one of us is touched by infrastructure and, the longer we live, the more billions of us there are, and the more we need infrastructure. Demand for essential infrastructure offers opportunities for investors.

Michael Bessell | 0.50 CE

Global small caps may be rewarded by the markets going forward supported by faster expected earnings growth and compelling valuations relative to large cap equities.

Trevor Gurwich | 0.50 CE

Opinions about private markets are often not rooted in facts, due in part to the fact that data on private markets has been scarce. But data is available and it debunks some of the common misconceptions about private markets.

Mario Giannini | 0.50 CE

The unique characteristics of private debt make it ideal for any portfolio, fitting in either the defensive or growth component of a portfolio – or even both at the same time.

Andrew Lockhart | 0.50 CE

Brokers hire a great many analysts to write and publish detailed analysis on corporate earnings forecasts. It's right to focus on earnings, but the level of delivered growth is less important than the surprise in growth (positive or negative).

Ram Rasaratnam | 0.50 CE

The transition a net zero emission economy offers risks and opportunities for investors. Infrastructure is a simple way to benefit from the transition to a net zero emission economy and represents a multi-decade growth opportunity.

Gerald Stack | 0.50 CE

Today, many of the leading companies servicing emerging market economies have superior earnings growth to developed market peers, with many trading even cheaper than at the height of the Covid market turmoil.

Ross Cameron | 0.50 CE

Investment-grade corporate bonds can improve portfolio risk-adjusted returns. A focus on the highest quality global corporate bonds will provide opportunities for investors to capture future income, as well as add a defensive anchor within portfolios.

Jeremy Cunningham | 0.50 CE

The primary criticism directed at those who think about the future is that it's an act of futility. But thinking about how the future may unfold has proven to be a useful way to make decisions amidst radical uncertainty.

Private Equity pooled returns have been attractive while also less volatile than investing in a single fund or fund-of-funds. Enabling investors to "buy the private market" would complement portfolios just like in public markets.

Edward Talmor-Gera | 0.25 CE

Small Caps have underperformed large cap peers in recent times however cyclical factors today and a rebound in domestic risk sets up for the reemergence in Australian Smalls.

David Aylward | 0.50 CE

As professionals we need to stand with our clients and share our voice to ensure risk-aware approaches part of our investment landscape.

Anthony Golowenko | 0.50 CE

The Investing Roundtable explored key challenges and opportunities that practitioners should be thinking about when building quality multi-asset, multi-manager portfolios.

The young are better able to navigate VUCA owing to their natural growth and learning mindset. In an environment where investors can do anything, just not everything, we can all benefit from adopting a youth mindset.

Markets have undergone a regime shift - to prosper, we need to understand the factors that will be crucial to building multi-asset portfolios capable of delivering financial wellbeing in the years ahead.

Steve Hanke | 0.50 CE

Achieving equity like returns with much lower risk and equivalent liquidity is the holy grail that is now on offer from high yield.

Paul Benson | 0.25 CE

Beyond a near-term sluggish outlook for global growth, practitioners should think about three key forces which will drive long-term market risks and opportunities.

Since central banks abandoned their ultra-loose monetary policies, currencies once again offer a source of investment returns, as well as portfolio diversification.

Razvan Remsing | 1.00 CE

While the US dollar's share of global foreign exchange reserves is in long-term decline, the currency's dominance will continue despite the rising risk of embedded inflation.

Woody Brock | 1 comment | 1.00 CE

As economies slow, fixed income will once again provide portfolio diversification, allowing practitioners to focus on capturing long-term trends such as climate change and artificial intelligence.

Chris Iggo | 0.25 CE

As we move into an era which is both more inflationary and more volatile, asset allocators will need to adapt in order to deliver returns. A dynamic and unconstrained approach to asset allocation will become essential.

Fiona Ker | 1 comment | 0.25 CE

Protecting capital in down markets is the foundation for superior returns – and quality investing, with a long-term investment horizon, protects shareholder wealth on the downside, while capturing steady capital growth.

Active management has consistently delivered outperformance in small companies as the opportunity set allows managers to demonstrate both stock selection and portfolio construction skill.

Andrew Mouchacca | 0.25 CE

Confidence in a sea of confusion is key to success. Using three tools of persuasion, we can create a sense of certainty even when who knows what is just around the corner.

Adam Ferrier | 0.50 CE

Decision attribution analysis provides a crucial lens on equity manager skill, benefiting asset owners and fund buyers as they select and monitor managers.

Clare Flynn Levy | 0.50 CE

Investors today have more knowledge than any prior generation, however there remains a chasm between knowing and doing. Acknowledging we are all biased, because we are all human, is the first step to better decisions.

David Wanis | 0.25 CE

ESG investment is coming under increasing criticism, some valid - but the real problem is the ill-defined use of the acronym itself and we will all be better off if we stop using it.

Tom King | 0.50 CE

CRE Debt provides dependable returns, backed by real property first mortgages. On a risk-adjusted return basis, every balanced portfolio should include an allocation to CRE debt.

Patrick Keenan | 0.50 CE

The energy transition represents the greatest economic opportunity since the industrial revolution. Reliably capturing the potential and delivering tangible environmental impact requires three core beliefs.

David Costello | 0.50 CE

Unlisted assets provide access to a bigger opportunity set that reflects active management in its truest form, giving opportunity for investment managers to further diversify multi asset portfolios with rich investments across diverse industries.

Dan Farmer | 0.50 CE

A partial allocation of retirement savings to a contemporary lifetime income stream can help increase the certainty of delivering what the income that retiree clients want. And such an allocation can help clients preserve assets.

Andrew Lowe | 0.50 CE

To earn justified trust from clients and deliver consistently good outcomes for them year after year requires globally recognised fiduciary standards of care.

Aaron Drew | 0.25 CE

To better develop the skills required to analyse corporates, we can start with individuals as case studies and scale from there. If analysts can't do that, it's unlikely they can address more complex situations.

Douglas Isles | 0.25 CE

...though not unconditionally. The nascent field of Neurofinance suggests that investors attuned to their emotions can make better decisions during critical market events.

We can help retirees build and retain their sense of control by keeping on building trust and educating them, modelling possible outcomes and showing a planned approach – including providing a Plan B.

Richard Dinham | 0.25 CE

Retirement strategies must adapt in line with markets and demographics trends and the additional risks that are relevant for investors in decumulation.

Mark Lapedus | 0.50 CE

A critical part of any retirement plan is a spending plan (which is not the same as a budget). Ultimately, a good spending plan helps keep clients' investments on track.

Tim Farrelly | 0.25 CE

This Research Roundtable focused on the Ruffer Total Return International (Australia) strategy, with senior practitioners deciding, after briefings, Q&A and debate, their individual rating for the strategy and whether to include it on a hypothetical APL and/or multi-manager portfolios. Afterwards, the meeting is truncated and published for on-demand viewing by all Forum members.

2.00 CE

As the clouds of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity continue to swirl, the silver lining is that we are on the road back to normal monetary policy settings, from abnormal, and a return to more rational asset prices. But we must be patient.

Jonathan Pain | 0.50 CE

Investors need to leverage the experience of past decades while also humbly contemplating an uncertain outlook. Compared to any post-WWII period, this time really is different!

Ronald Temple | 0.50 CE

The pre-pandemic New Normal decade introduced investors to TINA - there is no alternative. With interest rates and bond yields having moved higher, it's time to say goodbye to TINA because bonds are back.

Daniel Ivascyn | 0.50 CE

In these unsettled VUCA conditions, private debt can offer short duration with a focus on capital preservation, a silver lining for investors in the form of consistent, risk-adjusted returns and income.

Andrew Lockhart | 0.50 CE

Those constructing portfolios must understand the nuances of bond risk/return drivers and how bond market performance can be impacted by different macro scenarios. Opportunities abound.

Gopi Karunakaran | 0.50 CE

The RBA is set to continue rate hikes that will bring on an earnings recession in 2023. Use Australian equity market weakness later in this year as the silver lining to position for an improved long-term outlook for Australian equities.

William Curtayne | 0.50 CE

Global demand for greater computing power continues to escalate, presenting an exciting silver lining of possibilities and investment potential.

Nick Griffin | 0.50 CE

Inclusion of private equity as an alternative asset in portfolios is an out-of-date approach that does not consider secular trends in companies staying private and the unfolding democratisation of PE.

David Chan | 0.50 CE

As economies continue to recover from the catastrophe of Covid-19 lockdowns, we must re-embrace the pursuit of progress, an idea that is central to science, freedom, and a thriving society.

Gigi Foster | 0.25 CE

Although the consequential volatility casts a VUCA cloud over global REIT performance, the silver lining is that this is transitory, in part reflecting a number of the sector's key attributes.

Andrew Parsons | 0.50 CE

Sustainability is at the core of future societies. By channelling investments in companies with sustainable practices, heightened by environmental and social conscience, investors can seize opportunities in transitioning economies.

Ecaterina Bigos | 0.50 CE

After a chaotic period, across most asset classes, silver linings are emerging. Global equity investors can capture these by identifying companies best placed to benefit from shifts in energy and technology.

Nikki Thomas | 0.50 CE

Once the decision has been made to invest in global small caps, fundamentals return to the fore. Limited research coverage and inefficiencies in the market are the opportunity.

Marcus Burns | 0.50 CE

Investors will have to work harder to make money than just owning US beta. The silver lining is that there are large equity markets and sectors that are cheap with significant growth drivers.

Julian McCormack | 0.50 CE

After a lost decade, cyclical and structural headwinds are abating for emerging market equities, while profound secular changes are becoming tailwinds. But the path ahead will look very different to the past.

ESG analysis advances and drives sustainable investing by helping investment practitioners develop a clearer view of a company's true market value, consistent with their fiduciary duty.

David Blood | 0.50 CE

Our diverse panel of experts debated which of the high conviction propositions they heard during Markets Summit 2023 they most strongly agreed with and why, including identifying "silver linings" (investment opportunities not yet fully priced into the market) and which they disagreed with most and why - and the portfolio construction implications of both.

There was plenty of food for thought and grist for the investment portfolio mill, coming out of the recent Markets Summit 2023 "Every VUCA cloud has a silver lining!".

This lecture argues that a diversified portfolio of core fixed income securities is an essential component of an optimal multi-asset portfolio. What's your philosophy?

This lecture explores the concept of ethics, contemporary issues in financial services as they relate to ethics, and the relevancy and application of ethics in our everyday lives.

Clare Payne | 1 comment | 2.50 CE

Value investing has proven successful over time but it requires discipline and a long-run horizon - and disagreement remains over whether the value premium will persist. What's your philosophy?